You're Going To Get A Whippin' !!!

by Perry 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • Perry


    You told that so realistic... I felt like I was there. That is terrible.

    A quarter of the skin of my face was purple from above almost all around my eye to the chick (like blood under the skin with weird marks and bubbles but just a tiny part cut off)

    That is just complete bullshit..... you know that don't you? Please talk to a qualified friend or a professional about this, if you haven't already. Don't spend years wondering if this was normal or not, or whether or not you were at fault. You deserve the very best.


  • jayhawk1

    This is a sore subject for me too, although I don't blame my parents. I blame the Watchtower Society, for pounding this subject on JW families at the Sunday meetings. Here is one of those Bible scriptures they loved to pull out as an example for raising children the right way, Jehovah's way.

    "The rod and reproof are what give wisdom; but a boy let on the loose will be causing his mother shame." (Proverbs 29:15)

    And then there was that song (involving reproof) that I can still hear, "He says use the rod." Thanks for nothing Watchtower Society, with friends like you was, who needs an enemy.

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk
    For those who were raised/born in the truth:

    1. Were you ever beaten as a child? And, I mean where the parent really crossed the line, not just spanking.

    2. If yes, at what age did it stop?

    3. Do you think it would have been the same if your parents weren't JW's?

    what a great question !!!!!!!!! I wouldn't say beaten, but DEFINITELY threatened, endless amount of times, with things like : "do you want to die at armageddon", "you better go to the meeting or ELSE!", when you start thinking about suicide and hopelessness then YES they crossed the line. it stopped when I left JW land, actually no, it hasn't stopped, even when they call they still say something stupid, the last time was "don't you want to see your dad again.", I lost it. If my parents were not JW's it WOULD HAVE BEEN DIFFERENT, no doubt at all, I have no real family contact, just the occasional discussion on the phone that ends up in a verbal war. I have no respect for my mom or my dad, and probaly never will, that's just the way it goes, you can't pick your parents.

  • frenchbabyface

    (((EVRYONE))) Those who talked and those who didn't

    Thank you for the support
    but I know worse happen to kids (death !!!***). It is a real terrible subject

    To relate my answer to this web site, we are all here because once (about anything and then further times on several things) we decided to not following what we was thinking being bad. Somehow it means that our conscious have been awaked. That still doesn?t mean that we can?t fail. That?s why we should NOT stop to questioning ourselves at the very first time that we know that (somebody or we) have been hurt or could be hurt in anyway (physically and psychologically ? in knowing a + that any physical pain induce psychological pain).

    I?m ok myself ? I was lucky that we were poor because of that I?ve also shared a part of my childhood with another family (and had other views on different matters) and nobody were perfect ? I myself messed up twice in this matter in knowing that I was thinking that my CONSCIOUS was AWARE.

    Bad can be lead to some good, and good can lead to bad (too much confidence in what "we" are thinking being good without remembering the priorities and why) ? we are so weak consciously and we are lead by so much bad influences ? but we still have an? instinct? and for most of the people on this earth ?a heart?.

    I will mention Perry and Ashita who followed and participate in this topic more than once in many ways (and lots of others of course), to open peoples eyes on some specific matters who are LOL and NOT LOL even when Sleepy conscious parents can LOL about it all together.

  • acsot

    Oh my God! I opened up this thread this morning, coffee in hand, toast on the plate, thinking it was some off-colour joke sexist joke and then started reading ...

    I am so sorry for what you all went through. My father was an alcoholic but when he drank he became passive to the point of being a total wimp, which I hated at the time but it was better than beatings.

    Perry, your story is heartbreaking, as are the others. Lee, what can I say, that poem shook me to my core. And Ash, I had to stop reading after your poem, it was too much to handle first thing in the morning.

    I'm going to blow my nose, wipe my eyes and read some fluff threads before I continue.

    ((((Hugs to you all))))

  • kyria


    What a terribly sad story. It's good that you can look back on it now as something in the past. What an awful thing to have to go through. I can't imagine what would go through a parent's mind.

    Stories like that are the reasons I would say I was more psychologically abused than physically. I never had to wear makeup to cover a scar!

    I cannot think of any Witness kids I knew though that didn't have to run away from their parents in fear just for something stupid, like breaking a glass.

    I burnt popcorn once when I had friends visiting, and I was so scared of getting hit or yelled at, that I threw it out on the back lawn and opened all the windows to try to get the smell out. I couldn't. My father came home and saw it and made me go in the backyard and pick up every last kernel from the lawn because... ready? "The birds will choke." WHAT??

    I remember when I would babysit Witness kids as a teenager, I would spank them to discipline them. I just didn't know anything else! I remember doing it in a public park one day. I was 16 or 17 and the two kids I was watching were 4 and 6. I thought I was being an adult. Everyone was staring at me, they must have been thinking "What the hell??"

    All I know is that in my house, accidentally breaking a glass will NEVER be something "bad".

  • ashitaka

    I looked around and found another. This is a little more recent, say, in the past four years. I forgot I had written this.

    Stood Down

    Unrobed, I am the child that weeps

    Near the pyre. I lie there.

    Naked and hovering

    Ashen, in my throes.

    Stark, almost mad

    I put my fist through the glass.

    For this I fought wars?

    Struck down, like shadows on a mountain

    Just as the sun blasts himself upon the gorge.

    Roots spring from me, tearing out my skin

    Bleeding down, drunk up.

    The stones I threw down

    crush me in my bed.

    I?m blistered and worn, blurred

    While does sleep, my innocent murderer.


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