Highlights of Sept 2023 Watchtower

by was a new boy 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • FedUpJW
    JRBrown "We know all our Sisters have pretty legs"

    Sadly personal observation before quitting the CONvention hassle proved just the opposite. IMO.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim
    FedUo,,,that was more of the case. Lol
  • BoogerMan

    @ FedUpJw - is that a snap of Anthony Morris 3rd at Coney Island beach?

    Paragraph 4, page 27: "We are surrounded by astute people who have no faith in the cult's predictions Bible prophecy. Opposers may mock us because we have cried wolf eagerly anticipated the end for over 140 many years." 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim


  • blondie

    Pants and women in the WTS

    WT 1952 October 1, QFR 607-608 "At Deuteronomy 22:5 the Bible is not dealing with fashions or fretting over styles, but apparently it is here forbidding persons of one sex from wearing the clothing of the opposite sex for purposes of deceit, to appear of the opposite sex, to hide the true facts. Men should not try to deceitfully dress like women to hide the fact that they are men, nor should women try to dress in men’s clothes to hide the fact that they are women. Being more specific, the Bible seems to be striking a blow against the sin of sodomy. It was a disgrace for a woman’s hair to be shorn like a man’s, and it was a dishonor for a man’s hair to be allowed to grow long like a woman’s. (1 Cor. 11:6, 14) The woman was not to appear masculine by having short hair like a man’s or by wearing clothes like a man’s. It might suggest to others that she was available for unnatural sex uses." Likewise the man. If he wore long hair like a woman’s or garbed himself in women’s clothes he would certainly appear effeminate and open to propositions from men for unnatural sex use. So it is this deeper meaning with sodomy in view, and not a mere switching of clothes in itself, that brings this practice under prohibition and makes it deserve the severe judgment: “Whoever doeth so is an abomination to Jehovah thy God.”

    But in 1984 the WTS this (7/15 WT p. 25) Similarly, in some parts of the earth today, both men and women wear slacks, though the styles differ for each sex. The principle in this text would not rule out a Christian woman’s wearing slacks sometimes, as when working around the house or on a farm. And according to local custom and necessity, slacks may be the desired attire in very cold climates.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    I failed to see what was so "evil" about women wearing slacks at the KH or in FS when it is -30 outside.

  • blondie

    Beth Sarim, they adjusted that. " out a Christian woman’s wearing slacks sometimes, as when working around the house or on a farm. And according to local custom and necessity, slacks may be the desired attire in very cold climates." That was a point of contention in my area with very cold winters. We had to wear pants under our skirts for a while, and good, warm boots, hatwear, and gloves. Pioneers can't be stylish and wear high heels, skirts, and stylish coats. Real ones anyway. One circuit overseer's wife, wore clothing appropriate to the weather. One female jw was asked at the door by the woman living at that house, "Honey, you can't dress like that and be outside in the cold. You should go home right now and change." Hahaha.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim


    I did not know that.

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