Aftermath of being Reinstated

by TxNVSue2023 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TxNVSue2023

    I'm in the process of being reinstated ( my df'ing story is on here). Because I've never been in this position before, I don't know how I will be treated once I'm reinstated.

    I moved to a new city/state and I don't know a single person here or in my new congregation I am attending. Once they announce my reinstatement will I have trouble making friends? Avoided & excluded still?

  • Gorb

    It will haunt you for ever.


  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    It will follow you around like your shadow.

    Sorry to say.

  • Incognito

    If you were a male, you would be more likely to be accepted back after reinstatement, particularly if you claim and display a desire to advance within the hierarchy (ministerial servant > elder etc).

    As a female, particularly as you are a stranger to your new congregation, you will most likely have a much more difficult time in being accepted.

    In the JW religion, records are kept on each member's performance, attitudes and sins throughout their life since becoming a JW, and your 'FILE' will follow you to each congregation you become a member of. Certain elders within each congregation you regularly attend, will likely review your file and will know your past record. Unfortunately, past sins can be thrown back in your face if you commit a further transgression, even if it has been 25+ years after your last known transgression.

    Your new congregation's elders will not decide whether you will be reinstated, but will communicate with the elders from your previous congregation who made the decision to df you, to obtain their advice and direction.

    While it is claimed Jehovah forgives, it seems his 'earthly organization' and its representatives, are not so forgiving and always seek to keep a record of account.

  • ThomasMore

    Lets be fair. They only said they forgave. They never claimed that they forgot.

  • NotFormer

    They keep a file of your sins and send it to whatever congregation you move to?? What happened to Jesus's demand that you forgive your brother seventy times seven times?? 😱🙄

    Is that kind of record keeping legal under the various data protection acts?

  • StephaneLaliberte

    Honnestly, as much as I'd like to complain about JWs, it really depends on the congregation you have. My whole family has gone through this process at one point or another and they feel very much accepted in their respective congregations. It really depends on the friends you make in that new congregation.

    In fact, my family went back precisely for their friends. They weren't able to make any friends outside of the JW and that is one of the main reason they are back in: for that social circle.

    Perhaps you'll be happy after all!

    For my part, I left because I stopped considering the JW as a social group and considered their teachings and how close to Jesus and God they actually are. Their disfellowship practice and the way they put emphasis on the wrong teachings is what drove me out. Eventually, I did make friends outside of the JWs.

    The only thing I can hope for you is that you won't personally apply harmful teachings even if you go back in. Such as ignoring someone the minute they no longer share your belief and leave the group. Or believing that you have some moral superiority over all non JWs, going as far as calling them non believers good for eternal destruction.

    There is a lot of good in people of various faith and the fact that people believe different things that you do doesn't mean that they are non believers. They are believers; just not in the same things you believe in.

    I hope you the best and peace of mind.

  • enoughisenough

    Why do you want to be reinstated? You said yourself you had been out for years before...Do you really think they are God's channel for your salvation,even though Jesus said he is the mediator between men and God? Maybe you just feel comfortable there...Are you going to feel comfortable teaching people that in order for them to live they have to be a JW and obey 9 men. because Jesus appointed them?..CAN you prove from the Bible ( without WT publications) that Jesus appointed them faithul slave in 1919?

  • sarahsmile

    One elder told me before they announced they were going to reinstate me that 99% of reinstated ones leave.

    You should worry about how doctrine lies and the cult will destroy your life and family!

    I have PTSD because of the harsh elder meetings and learning doctrine lies!

    I was not okay with how they never have talks about Jesus being Michael the Archangel! There were not any talks about Jesus being most the angels in Revelation!

    In order to be a JW you must believe that Jesus is many angels!

    I say leave and spare your thoughts on why! Why did my parents join, Why did I get reinstate, etc,. Walk away and take classes.

  • TonusOH

    NotFormer: Is that kind of record keeping legal under the various data protection acts?

    It probably is. I don't know if the JWs are unique among religions in keeping a file on each member, so I don't know if the rank and file should feel any concern. It didn't bug me while I was in, and I never even thought about it after I left.

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