Did Jesus disassociate from Judaism? Do we need to DA from the borg?

by BLISSISIGNORANCE 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis

    At least the WTBTS doesn't come after you with a Judicial Crucifiction...well, not a literal one anyway...eheh


    District Overbeer

  • kyria

    One of the biggest examples of how I am a completely different person today than I was when I left the JW's is that it never even occured to me not to go to my disfellowshipping meeting. The fact that I went and sat in front of a group of insane old fogies who had no right in the world to judge me and allowed them the satisfaction of feeling spiritually superior to me, absolutely blows my mind.

    On the other hand, it felt like closure, and I liked the thought that I would be officially disfellowshipped. Although the religion itself is falsh, the constructs they placed around my childhood were all too real. I don't regret getting disfellowshipped, I guess I'm just amazed that I was ever at a place in my life that it had to be a valid issue.

    And, as I said in another thread, I was also completely wasted.

  • Yerusalyim

    No, Jesus did NOT disassociate from Judaism...he lived it perfectly...nor did Paul DA from Judaism...in fact, there's no example of this in scripture that I can think of.

  • willy_think
    Any scriptures that prove one needs to DA to be REALLY out of the Borg?

    There are no scriptures that mention or apply to the Org at all.

    The DA letter is only a form to be filed out for the records of the Bethel corp.

  • buffalosrfree

    I faded and now its getting late in the year and gee the new year will bring dubbies around wanting to know if we want to read the bible with them or the latest book at the book study.

    they will show they really don't give a hoot and you will be left alone for another year. When asked why i don't attend, i said meeting are boring, unmotivational, uninspirfing and just plain boring no thought at all has to be into them just reply and anwer what they want to hear and no problem. They get that deer in the headlights look to them and then tell me they have missed me (i know they failed to hit me with whatever they were throwing at me) and then they leave. GOOD RIDANCE. BUFF

  • shamus
    Are people who 'choose' to DA more honourable than ones who just 'fade' and no longer participate in dub activities? If one doesn't go witnessing or attend meetings, how can they be called 'witnesses'?????

    I would say no. Of course, if someone no longe goes to meetings, they are no longer a witness.

    The only reason why I am going to Disassosiate myself is because it will stir shit up in my old congregation. And, for that reason, I will not call my letter disassosiation. I will tell them what I think of their religion, and their "love", and tell them that I am not disassosiating myself. I am abandoning the beliefs of a disgusting cult, and that they are full of horseSkit. They can disfellowship me, or da me, or whatever they want to; I don't care, and they needn't contact me to tell me my status. I am above their petty rules and I care not what they say.

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