Did Jesus disassociate from Judaism? Do we need to DA from the borg?

by BLISSISIGNORANCE 15 Replies latest jw friends


    Is 'formal' disassociation from the borg a scriptural prerequisite?

    Do we have scriptural examples of written statements for disassociation?

    Or is it all a JW concept?

    Are people who 'choose' to DA more honourable than ones who just 'fade' and no longer participate in dub activities? If one doesn't go witnessing or attend meetings, how can they be called 'witnesses'?????

    When the dubs themselves shun faders, doesn't that mean they are no longer viewed as dubs???????

    Personally, I am a happy fader.......I don't play by the borg's rules. And I respect people's choices in how they leave the borg.

    DA, DF, or faders....................we have all taken our stand against the borg's authority! We are all out. That is ALL that matters. Dubs know who they are and we know who we are. Besides.............God knows where we stand. We don't write letters to him stating our position.

    Any scriptures that prove one needs to DA to be REALLY out of the borg?????????

    Cheers, Bliss (of the happy fader class)

  • qwerty

    "Get out of her my people and stop touching the unclean thing"

    No seriously, I think DA does not really matter. It's a personal choice and one we have to way up the pros and cons for, cause and effect. God knows where we stand and who we are.


  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    BI, if your curious, you may want to view the book 'facts are facts' by Benjamin H. Freedman. He talks about Judiasm, Jew, Jewess and the Khazars.

    For info go to go ([email protected])

    Guest 77

  • blondie

    I would say that Jesus was disfellowshipped by the Jewish religious leaders for blasphemy.

  • AnnOMaly

    And that blind man Jesus cured was excommunicated.

    The apostle Paul was called an apostate and because he tried 'damage limitation' strategy in the Temple, he ended up before the Sanhedrin and was going to be killed. I think that counts as disfellowshipment.

    Can't recall any instances of DAing.

  • RubaDub

    I would say that Jesus was disfellowshipped by the Jewish religious leaders for blasphemy. If I remember correctly, he was not actually disfellowshipped. He was privately reproved and an encouraging talk was given the following week. ***** Rub a Dub

  • rekless

    I DA with a vent just to letr them know I never want to be associated with them again. I could not live always making excuses why I am not going to meetings etc.

  • Hamas

    Taking into account the invalidity of the bible, we dont have to do anything it tells us, Dr Corday

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    taking into account Hamas' point of view, it is totally pointless to disassociate yourself from something that is not true or right, anyway. That is only showing them that they still have a valid lien on your life. If you don't believe something, you don't have to formally do *anything* since you can't disassociate yourself from something that you don't believe in the first place. they have no power over you. they are not your bosses.

    I think alot of times, it's hard for XJW women to get over the fact that we always feel we have to be "accounting" for everything. We are taught to be subservient. We learn that we have to explain everything. To cater to our man's (or men's if you have grown sons or brothers) egos. This is not true. We are grown, adult women, and we need to find our full rights and righteousness in *that*. God didn't just make man in his image, he made women, too! So, we are *all* made in his righteousness and are half of his image. We aren't unequals, we are different, but since we are made in God's image, too, we have the other half of his "best."

    But if you don't believe in God, the point still carries. Each individual person on the face of the Earth has something good to give, and that' what is important.


  • sunshineToo

    Interestingly they, the jws, made me DA from my previous church. They said that I should write a letter that I would want to be removed from the church registry. That was the first thing they wanted me to do. And I regret it now.

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