sorry enough?

by kj 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • kj

    Try to think of it this way- their shitty treatment of you is a blessing in disguise. You are free! I am so sorry for what you, and so many of the others here have gone through. I pray every day for my mom to get away from those people.

  • shamus

    Don't get me wrong! I am free and happy for it! Pissed off about how they treated me, yes, but it's over now.

    It is more of a blessing than anything, really.

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    consciously or not, JWs and many others like them use hypnotic techniques routinely and the disfellowshipping process fits right in... allow me to explain.

    no one can hypnotize another against their will... but anyone can be hypnotized.

    when a stage hypnotist gets his volunteers, he works the crowd to find just the right amount of willingness to participate. there are many people who just need some excuse to make a fool of themselves and like alcohol, hypnosis provides this. A trained hypnotist looks for such individuals... their friends would NEVER suspect that they would follow a hypnotists absurd suggestions and that makes the trick ever so magical.

    with religions, the hypnotists need to weed out those who are not willing to allow others to think for them. they need to find those who doubt, question and scrutinize everything and get rid of them quickly. so its not about the crimes against Jehovah you have committed, its about your degree of suseptibility to following orders blindly.

    JWs and many others speak out against hynposis-- they have been told to do this and I dont think they understand the why of it, but it is obvious that they dont want anyone learning how the con works...

    ever notice that the main talk at most assemblies is right after lunch when everyone is nodding off from the food?? its probably a very good way to program the masses of JWs present.. your mind is at its lowest efficiency and your ability to challenge is likewise impaired. sleep teaching does not work, so they constantly remind people to pay attention and stay alert... they need you semi-conscious.

    to the original topic, you are sorry enough when you show you really want to follow orders and are not rebelling against them, but simply a flawed cog in the system doing the best you can.

    remember sheperds are predators who fool sheep into a false sense of security... they dont want thinking rational people... they want sheeple... its hard to fleece and lead to the slaughter those who are thinking.

  • xjw_b12

    SFJim hit the nail on the head

    It's a crap shoot.

    It really depends on your previous status in the cong. How well you were "spriitually", whether you belonged to one of the "cliques", and how well you can convince the JC of "your repentance"

    ( PS Lying works well, but if you are already DF'd, then you probably weren't very good at it to begin with)

  • Nosferatu

    They're filled with holy shit spirit from Jehovah which makes them feel that the repentant one has sufficiently repented.

  • Eyebrow2

    It all depends on the size of the elders' pensises...there is an inverse relationship between how short the elder's penis is, as to how long of a time a person needs to be df'd and working hard to get back in to be sorry enough.


    6 inches: 2 months

    2 inches: 2 to 25 years

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