2020 Convention Friday Highlights: Information Control and Hypocrisy

by neat blue dog 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    There's yet another talk to add to the list of talks written specifically for damage control against "apostates". The speaker says, "Some who were once part of the christian congregation attempt to mislead us", that they tell "false accusations" & "lies". To combat this, he says that you should "protect your ears from damaging noise by not listening to it", comparing it to wearing "noise canceling headphones". He emphasises that when confronted with conflicting information we should pray to jehovah for help to "stop listening" and "put on our headphones", perhaps by literally listening to JW programs.

    Anthony Morris the 💩 then gives some incredibly hypocritical advice to the rank and file in how they speak to others. He says to "mind your own business" and then says "we refrain from imposing our uninspired opinions upon others". 😳 That's literally what the GB does for a living, imposing their self-admitted uninspired opinions on millions.

  • alanv

    Its so true, that we ex JWs dont need to speak our own opinions about things. All we have to do is quote what JWs own publications or talks say. Good example by Tony Morris. When we point out what Watchtower says, its very difficult for witnesses to use the arguemnent that we are speaking lies, because clearly we are not if it has previously been said by Watchtower.

  • eyeuse2badub

    This is the "best convention ever". So cool to watch an parade of stuffy, old (mainly white), self righteous, pompous men get up and expound on how wonderful jehober is! Clearly they running out of fresh material to expound on! And jw's are certainly becoming a video religion. Those videos are so culty and corny! I watch with my PIMI wife but even she acknowledges how ridiculous it is to get dressed up so we sit there in our PJ's or other 'suitable' comfortable clothing. Boxers and a tee shirt for me!

    just saying!

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere


    We are told what our opinion is

    Daughter told me the family stuff is the same as last 25 years be cause I slept

  • Fadeaway1962

    A narcissistic abuser will project their bad conduct on their victims and blame them , so the governing body is misleading and making false accusations and lying to their followers .

    I think that they know exactly what they are doing ,a narcissist will never admit that they are wrong and will deny any evidence that clearly proves them wrong as lies.

  • slimboyfat

    Yawn fest, I couldn’t manage more than a few minutes


    Can we share our “spirit directed” opinions? 🤣


  • Studyover

    This week's meeting started with "welcome brothers and sisters. Let's take time to put aside our worldly troubles and enjoy this week's meeting". Then the next hour was spent discussing .......worldly troubles! I sometimes wonder if the congregation are hearing what I am hearing!!

  • sir82

    I like how they tell you to "stand and sing song number garbledy-garble" during the "intermission".

    I can tell you EX-ACT-LY which uber-dubs, dressed up in suits & dresses, including dress shoes, while watching the convention in their own living room on their own TV, with no one else around, actually (fer the luv-a-gawd) STAND UP to sing.

    And who then "remain standing while the announcements are read".

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    . . . and then donate online during intermission to cover the $10,000+ expenses 😜

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