Special Assembly Day report 2003/2004

by truthseeker 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • HadEnuf

    Geeeeeeeezzzzzzzzz...I should never have read this right before bed. Flashbacks and nightmares...OH MY!! (Or...as Blondie would say: VOMIT ALERT!)

  • JeffT

    One of the events that precipitated my independent investigation of the WT society was the lack of assistance from the cong. in a time of need. I was self-employed (selling and leasing real estate) after a layoff, then broke my leg which made it almost impossible to drive. I bumped into an elder and HE asked ME if I needed help. He said he'd talk to the brothers and see what he could do. That night he called me back and had me read a couple of pages out of the organization book. Basically it said go to the government of relatives but don't bother "Jehovah's Organization" with material needs. What a crock. Interesting that they are now giving talks about it. Of course not much will change because the time "doesn't count."

    Also found the comments about the children abhorent. Sitting through a meeting must be hell for those kids. Our church has entire programs devoted to age appropriate material for the kids.

  • Lapuce

    Really doesn't change I see, its all the same bullsh*t that there was and always is...


  • God is Dead
    God is Dead

    "What annoys me to no end is the statement that was made of children not having double standards.

    Just where does the organization get off making this insistance upon its young people and for that matter all in the congregation including the elders. Lets face facts the biggest offenders of these double standard breakers are the elders and adults in the Hall. Those are the ones who have sexually forced themselves on the YOUNG PEOPLE,and have destroyed these innocents. How dare they ?? They dare preach that!!! They are holier then thou and how is it that they pretent to make the children in the congregations feel bad, because they make a mistake. What sick minded men that run the organization, they are disgusting deeds that the witnesses then did and now who still practice these terrible acts against our innocents. YOU the Watchtower should be on YOUR HANDS AND KNEEs BEGGING GOD FOR MERCY, AS THERE IS NO MERCY FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE AND ALLOWED TO BE COVERED UP!!!!!!!!

    The WBST should be more cautious of their outlines of talks or they will have protesters throwing rocks at them. Outside assemblies or halls or even outside the homes of known pedeophiles"

    the reason for that is because they have to constantly keep brainwashing young people to stay in the religion as it's much easier to have youths 'turn away from the truth" than older people. kids are in school and work and whatnot and constantly learning about other sides to life and religion and how to think for yourself, so if the JW's by-pass all that, they win, and to win, they need to push extra hard.

  • Funchback

    Great post and thanks for your comments, TS!

  • minimus

    It's ALWAYS going to be about GUILT! .....DO MORE!!!! STAY BUSY!!!! DON'T THINK.......Everything's gonna be alright.

  • God is Dead
    God is Dead

    oh yeah totally, i could not agree more. i was JW til 14, then moved to a different city away from my parents. i didn't agree w it when i quit, and still do not agree. it's mindless manipulation and guilt trips to organize and control more and more people into their way of life. simply put - it's a large cult. religion is fine if that is what is keeping you happy, but conformist religion and pushing and controlling is not at all what the 'bottom line' of any bible is saying. oh, and for the record i am an atheist, not that it has anything to do w my comments, just informing is all. :)

  • Satanus

    God is dead

    You're an atheist? I never would have guessed. Welcome aboard.


  • jschwehm

    I remember when I was a JW how we were taught that the "least of these my brothers" in the parable of the sheep and the goats was not the poor but was those of the anointed who were in charge of doing the preaching work. Therefore, the number one priority of Christians according to the Watchtower Society was to help with selling magazines and converting people to the JWs. So, with this primary interpretation of this scripture it makes sense that the JWs' would view helping people in need with suspicion because it takes away time, effort, and money from their real goal which is to sell magazines, find converts, and perpetuate the cult.

    Jeff S.

  • xjw_b12


    I don't know how you find the resolve to sit through that "slop", but I wanted to say thanks for the review. Better you than me..... LOL

    Interesting stats on the attendance. Overall decrease of close to 7% over the morning and afternoon sessions.

    Did they actually announce both this years, and last years attendance, or did you have that recorded. Seems self defeating, and deflating to announce lower attendance numbers at a convention that is to be "spiritually uplifting"

    And any comparison on the baptism numbers from last assembly?

    xjw_b12 "praying" for the downward spiral to continue..........

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