"Secret Online Affairs"

by YoursChelbie 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • YoursChelbie

    Have you ever had a secret online affair? If so why did you do it?

    What did you get from it that you weren't getting from your spouse/significant other?

    Did it result in the breakup of your previous relationship? Was it worth it?


  • Simon

    "online affair" ... does this make sense?

    Isn't it more "online intimate friend" ... surely you have to meet to have an affair?

    I've had neither so I don't know ...

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    I know a couple of people who've had intimate friends online. Translated that means they've gotten intimite with themselves I guess. One guy's girlfriend dropped him over his affections towards himself.

    I can't imagine sitting in front of the monitor doing that stuff. I think you're supposed to be watching porn when you do that.

  • Gadget

    It depends what you would class as an online affair. If you only talk online, I don't see how that could be viewed as an affair, although I could see why someones partner could be jealous about the amount of attention being given. My question is, how friendly can you get with someone, online or in person, before it is too much and would be classed as over familiar or an affair?

  • stillajwexelder

    I am having an online affair at the moment -yes I am married -no it is not with anyone on this board -- Yes I have met up with her (in a different state to that which we both live)-- no we have not had sex (and that includes the Bill Clinton definition). What I get out of it is that I can talk a little dirty (I do use subtlety) which I can not with my JW wife -- I can also talk and discuss politics which I can not with my JW wife -- really I can talk about anything with her -- she has sent me pictures --both webcam and digital -- so far we are both really enjoying it. So far -I know it is wrong but I have not done anything wrong if that makes sense. Sorry I have been a bad boy folks

  • bittersweet

    wow stillajwexelder, you better hope your wife doesn't visit apostate sites.......

  • stillajwexelder

    bittersweet - I wish she did -- does that make sense? She has absolutely no interest

  • bittersweet

    stillajwexelder, I understand what you're saying, my husband has no interest either....but he has glanced in the past ( from looking up the history and checking to see what sites I have been to ), so you never know.

  • jwbot

    stillexjwelder: why are you still with her? What is holding you to your wife? Is it a loveless marriage?

  • TresHappy

    My coworker tells me everything about herself and especially her cyberlife. A while back she went to a web site about stamp collecting of all things, and e-mailed the guy who ran it. Both are into stamps and coin collecting. They live hundreds of miles away from each other and the relationship started out as talking about stamps. They started doing the instant message thing and then several months later, he started talking very sexual. Her husband was out of town and she thought it was a real turn on. Then late one night he suggested cybering. She had an argument with her hubby she was trying to get even with her husband. Then pretty much the cybering started every weekend, especially if hubby was out doing the bowling thing. Several months go by and she is going to be in the state he lives in for vacation, mind you with her husband. She tells her hubby she wants to meet some people from the stamp online community. He drops her off at a stamp convention which was really taking place and goes on down the highway, dropping off his weekly load for his job. She meets up with this guy and things, turn well, you know, they had an affair. The next day her husband comes and gets her thinking she's been talking about stamps all day and she's really been doing the you know what in his hotel room. After that they met again online, until his wife saw what he was typing to my coworker. He fessed up to his wife about the affair and told my coworker he'd have to end talking to her. This happened last year and my coworker STILL talks about him to me. She has e-mailed him a few times but he shut down his website and doesn't respond to her e-mails. The latest is she got another instant message screen name so she could find him on the www, as she thinks he blocked the other screen name from his list. Get this, she is now talking to him with another screen name. He thinks it's someone else, and he wants to meet up with her. I told her to stop this. The other day she was so giddy because she had received a message from him. Her husband doesn't know about the affair and I told her she should go get some counseling and go on with her life and FORGET about cyberboyfriend. She's mad at me now and I told her I want to hear nothing more about it. This is a 50 year old woman, with grown kids and grandkids. I used to feel sorry for her, but I think she's getting ready to have her whole universe crash before her.

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