The biggest issue the Society has to face.

by nicolaou 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • nicolaou

    I would just add that I don't hold to a stubborn pessimism that the resilience of the Watchtower will last forever. All religious groups have ex-members but we former JW's do seem to be a tough bunch and we are eroding the authority of the cult, it's grip is weakening.

    I think we can take 'em!

  • Scott77

    i look to the day when we will shut it down!!!!!!!!!

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Personally I feel the biggest threat is the lack of prospective junior management in the next 10-20 years. Most elders locally are the wrong side of sixty and there's no one in the wings eager to take their place. I think the change in the book study arrangement was in part down to this.

  • babel on
    babel on

    Then the watchtower has succeded in what i think is its main goal and has been since russell.......tear down the body of Christ...

    I dont think that you need to turn to an organized religion jeff nor did I say it!!! thats what is meant by Jesus being a personal savior not the Church

    and to clarify what I was speaking about that seemed to go over the heads of some...i was speaking of salvation....if you are an atheist then probably you do not believe in an afterlife or salvation.... or do you because it seems to have struck a chord! At some point you must have had a form of devotion to have subjected yourselves to the social and mental torture that is involved with being a JW. sorry all that is gone due to the abuse of the fds! it reminds me of a battered woman that cannot ever be in a relationship with another man due the the behavior of one man..........

    sorry to offend anyone that was not my intention i was responding to a post made by mizpah

  • besty
    At some point you must have had a form of devotion to have subjected yourselves to the social and mental torture that is involved with being a JW

    Wrong - I was indoctrinated from birth with the force of parental authority and under fear of total and absolute familial alienation to believe in a set of magick characters in the sky, who are probably not there.

    At least we atheists have progressed from mere satanists to battered wives!

    You are not a skilled recruiter for the joy of Christ babel on :-) but will do well taking threads off-topic - welcome to JWN incidentally. :-) where all are welcome....

  • slimboyfat

    Personally I think homosexuality is the biggest threat.

  • besty

    all we need is a homosexual elder to claim discrimination from a position of leadership in a Registered Charity with public benefit requirements - watch the political outrage - come on you homo lurkers - get busy.....

  • babel on
    babel on

    Thanks for the warm welcome are entitled to your opinion and unlike the jws I get no greater reward for recruits so join with me or not I really don't care. please don't take everything i say so personaly...I too was raised a JW with a PO father... but I gained both my father and my mother to small feat

  • slimboyfat
    all we need is a homosexual elder to claim discrimination from a position of leadership in a Registered Charity with public benefit requirements - watch the political outrage - come on you homo lurkers - get busy.....

    That's what I am thinking. The Witnesses are on the wrong side of the tide of opinion on this issue.

    Mormons changed their view of black people in 1978 when they saw society at large simply would not accept their racist views any longer. Will the Witnesses be able to give up teaching homosexuals are deviant sinners if society no longer tolerates such hate speech? It will be interesting to find out.

  • besty
    Thanks for the warm welcome Betsy

    Ye you can call me BESTY

    please don't take everything i say so personaly

    Who else is here when I read what you have written? It's a Discussion Forum so I assume you are writing to me, particularly when you begin a sentence with 'You must have had a form of devotion...' - either you are adressing me personally or are making an assumption about all posters and lurkers on this thread - which one is it?

    but I gained both my father and my mother to small feat

    Well done on offering them a different paradigm, one which they accepted - I'm genuinely happy for you all

    I just happen to believe you have gone from the fire into the frying pan :-)

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