JW Admits She Doesn't Want To Think!

by minimus 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • willy_think

    Does anyone still believe these behaviors are not programed as part of the ongoing conditioning active JWs are subjected to?

  • minimus

    All Witnesses are programmed.

  • jwbot

    The point is, Sally, is that JW's are taught to not question anything the society throws at them, no matter if they really feel there is a certain issue that is off...They do not want to think about it, because their whole world comes crashing down. It is so sad, really. I have been there, done that. *sigh*

  • shamus

    Typical dub thing to say who is having doubts. Pretty sad, really.

  • Sweet Sally
    Sweet Sally


    just got around to reading your reply. i do see what your point is. my point is that minimus claimed this woman was afraid to think. he was wrong ... she was afraid to think about certain things. we are all like this with certain things. witnesses are taught to search the scriptures daily so this takes away his argument also. A nonthinker would not search anything. as for accepting what the WTS says, it is a show of faith in Jehovah and that the WTS is his instrument for people who put their faith in him.


  • starfish422
    I asked her if her conscience would allow her take hemoglobin. Her answer was "I do not know. I do not make those decisions."

    Isn't that a telling statement; since the Borg loves say that certain matters are left up to an individual's Christian conscience; yet even on those matters, if your conscience steers you wrong, you're in the dog house. They don't even leave a simple thing such as a magazine presentation up to the individual to prepare for themselves; everything is spoon-fed to them. So for a Dub to say that they don't make decisions of conscience, is actually pretty accurate.

  • Sweet Sally
    Sweet Sally


    as interesting as your statement is, it has no relevance to the topic that mimimus started. he said the woman 'didn't want to think' period.

    as for the other point about the womans conscience, she was leaving the decision about different blood components in the hands of experts. any thinking person would do the same.

    as for the presentations the witnesses make at the doors, the society gives suggestions to make it a cohesive thought. each person may feel free to use their own words and expressions, as i'm quite sure you are aware.


  • minimus

    Hi Sal, Just to clarify, this woman----- in practice-----does not like to think about things she is uncomfortable with (regarding the JW religion). I was not implying that the woman didn't have a brain or was incapable of thinking. But even when she KNOWS something in a publication sounds ridiculous, she doesn't want to dwell on it, think about it. It's too uncomfortable. .......Regarding leaving blood components "to the experts", who are THEY? Do you mean the doctors or the Governing Body? I love the Watchtower expression, "thinking persons". Non thinking people LOVE to show faith. It's easier than thinking!

  • Sweet Sally
    Sweet Sally


    i didn't know the WTS used the expression 'thinking persons' exclusively. guess you'd know better. as for faith; at least i have a scriptural basis for mine , assured expectation of things hoped for. what do you have? i guess you have all your fellow believers here, but in what?

    as for your covering up for what the woman really thinks, i suggest you then read your misleading topic heading.


  • suzi_creamcheez

    sally: you're a bit defensive. Are you playing devil's advocate here? Or looking to start an argument? Minimus stated his point clearly, and the subject line is completely appropriate.

    Not to malign your reading comprehension or reasoning ability... but do you understand that this discussion board isn't exactly PRO-JW?

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