what big change could bring down the watchtower?

by stan livedeath 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    Tithing? No, they won't "change it" they already tithe... under another name.. "write down how much you can give each month".. "put us in your will" "Your K Hall belongs to us, keep paying even tho it is paid off"

    If they got rid of DFing & SHUNNING... many would leave w/o the fear of loss.... and so many would "talk" w/o threat.

    WT might go way down... maybe not disappear.

  • Vidiot
    stan livedeath - "What big change could bring down the Watchtower?"

    IMO, a combination of severely diminished grassroots control, loss of tax-exemption, and financial insolvency (partly due to the former two conditions).

    Looking really bad on TV (egregious and repeated social and legal scandals, for example) wouldn't hurt either. :smirk:

  • days of future passed
    days of future passed

    Haven't they taken baby steps towards tithing with the "promise note" of what they were willing to contribute on a yearly basis?

    Tithing as one radio evangelist explained it - Giving god 10 percent is like saying "I want God as a business partner" Wouldn't we want that?

  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    How about everyone is allowed to get all the higher education they can get. Work more to make all the money you can and don't worry about missing meetings and going out in field service. Oral sex and masterbation is good for you and sex before marriage is OK as long as you get married to each other. My 10 cents worth. Still Totally ADD

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    blimey ADD---if the watchtower said all that it would grow like mad ! even i would go back. lol

  • truth_b_known

    If the Watchtower told all the congregations that there will only be one meeting a week and that it will be at your local Assembly Hall, combined with other congregations (super congregations). Then the Watchtower sold all the Kingdom Halls. Every meeting the Accounts Overseer would say that they are in the red $15.00 X total number of publishers scheduled to attend. Literally having to raise on the average of $9,000.00 per meeting or about $500,000.00 per super congregation annually.

    For many Witnesses this new arrangement would mean an hour or more commute one way per week per meeting and an expected donation of no less than $60.00 a family per meeting or $240.00 a month. All for a 2 hour weekly meeting. Field service meetings would be held after the meeting to plan the entire week's field service activity (i.e. "cart witnessing").

    This business model...er, spiritual arrangement would bring in millions of dollars a year. This does not include the billions raised in the sales of Kingdom Halls, which, according to new light, are not longer required. After all, Moses to call the nation of Israel into small groups. Moses called big national conventions. Jesus preached to groups of thousands. It would only befitting of Jehovah's modern day organization to do the same.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    @truth b known. i agree. i could well see that happening in the wealthier countries--where there are lots of high value kingdom halls ripe for turning into a fat profit.

  • slimboyfat

    They are on course for disaster already. In fact it's already begun by the looks of it. A few months ago I made a thread explaining some of the reasons which was very persuasive and comprehensive. (My secretary Morph can provide the links)

    If WT stopped shunning this might save the organisation. Along with other measures they could implement and become a humane, truthful, thriving organisation. I am available to the organisation for consultation with appropriate remuneration on this basis.

  • sparrowdown

    Any change either implemented by WT themselves or imposed upon them by outside forces that would bring about a massive class action law suit or seriously impact cushy tax exemption could in theory cause them to take a fatal monetary and/or reputational hit. We live in hope.

  • ScenicViewer
    Slimboyfat: (My secretary Morph can provide the links)

    Now that's a real knee slapper. I gotta catch my breath!

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