Please tell me: what is a relationship with the "person" Jehovah like?

by Maryo 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Chook

    That's the problem with JWs they had all the answers, who was getting resurrected , who ruled who in the new world , you won't taste death at all , but the whole story fall apart when the antics of the GB are aired live on the orgs new version of Scientology slash Hebrew these warrior men of the lord who are the faithful and discreet slave now are rockstars for their world to see, these guys know every little secret that has history to it and how much money has been paid out to victims of the church . And now that God is guiding this GB of men they have been inspired to announce more ATM machines for the KHs, god told us last Wednesday, thanks brothers god is hearing your prayers.

  • zeb

    It has been my experience that when I have heard anyone say "Jehovah is my best friend." They were not long off being dfd, for something"

  • LoveUniHateExams

    what is a relationship with the "person" Jehovah like? - very one-sided, I'd imagine. Jehovah isn't much of a conversationalist.

    But put a foot wrong and he'll fry your ass!

  • Island Man
    Island Man
    "We do not want to make Jehovah "sad" seems ultra ridiculous to me."

    I believe this is actually a PR strategy. It's an attempt to make the tyrannical monster of the bible seem less like a tyrannical dictator and more like a sensitive victim of the actions of sinners. Saying that missing meetings makes Jehovah sad sounds more palatable than saying it makes him angry. People tend to show more sympathy for a sad person than an angry person. Sadness tends to evoke sympathy and compassion while anger tends to evoke fear.

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    The "personal relationship" with Jehovah that JWs talk about is wholly a product of their imaginations based on what Watchtower tells them. They imagine that Jehovah is happy with them because of their obedience to all the instructions handed down from Watchtower. It is a form of self-delusion where they give themselves a 'feeling in their heart' that Jehovah is smiling down on them. It is no different from other chrisitians talking about feeling God or Jesus in their hearts, or a Mormon talking about getting the "burning in the bosom" upon reading the Book Of Mormon and praying to ask God if it's true. It's all the same emotional self-delusion working in different theological contexts.

  • tepidpoultry

    Now they're using animation to emotionally manipulate babies and toddlers, "do you want to make Jehovah sad?" "If you door knock/give money you will make Jehovah happy!" Wow! what power we possess! (sarcasm) I was one of these kids 60 years ago and now it's worse, btw LIKE this comment and make Jehovah's heart glad!! :) J seems rather emotionally unstable to me but I guess that's just me lol

  • Vidiot
    Maryo - "...what is a relationship with the 'person' Jehovah like?"


  • EverApostate

    I tried so hard to have this sort of "personal relationship with Jah", after every time I heard this from the talks or any other dub. Hell, it never happened. Not surprised now, as I had realized that there is nothing such as Jehovah.

  • Giordano

    There is an old saying "The natural language of God is silence.........everything else is a bad translation of that silence.

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    “Smart people believe weird things because they are skilled at defending beliefs they arrived at for non-smart reasons.”1

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