by josephus 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Abaddon

    It was only after I found xJW's on the web that I realised that I wasn't the only one who faked their hours... I seriously never thought anyone would do that.

    God, was I thick or what?

  • Adam

    Oh yeah, and lots of power tools.

  • caligirl

    My hours were definitely fudged ( rounded up to the nearest hour) , not in terms of saying I went out when I didn't, but as Room 215 said, time was counted while sitting in the car waiting for others, driving around, etc. But then again, counting time in that manner is pretty much the way everyone does it . You count the time because you are "out", not because you were actually speaking to someone. If they only recorded the time spent actually "witnessing" to a live person, the hours spent in field service per year listed in the yearbook would be incredibly low, and then could not be held up as an example of how dilligent witnesses are in their ministry.

  • Gordy

    I know many in the congregation who when filling in their report slips would "round up" their hours, usually by adding another 2 hours to their total

    I could usually manage about 8-10 hours a month. But I knew brothers who reported more. Yet they never seemed to be out on field service. They worked Mon-Friday at least 9-5. So unless some of them were doing 5-10 hours at the weekend I couldn't see how they made the hours they reported. Till one of them, a MS, told me that what ever hours he really did that month he just doubled and put that down on his report. It allowed for any "incidental" witnessing he "may" have done. So I started doing the same, as I was always being told to do more if I wanted to be a MS. So I went from doing 8-10 hours to 15-20 hours a month. Commended on increasing my "service" , six months later after CO's vist I became a MS. Then working with the Field Service Overseer, I saw how he would enter time on report cards for those who hadn't reported or inactive. Often wondered why the CO always said on his visits, that we had 100% of publishers active. When I left many young JW's still came to see my son. They used to tell me how they "fiddled" the hours. Also on how others did so, even pioneers.

    Does Bethel know that such things go on? I'm sure they must, but the display of how much "preaching" they do comes before truthfulness.

    So when I see the number of hours they say have been done in the preaching work, I now reduce it by 25%.

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