by josephus 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • josephus


    as a jw i admit to "massaging" my hours nearly every month to keep up with the expected amount.

    my brother never put in hir report for nearly 2 years. i was amazed when i asked the secretary he told me "i allways put a few hours in if people forget" !!! so my brother was a regular publisher despite not going out on service.

    he was one man. if say only 2 percent of witnesses lied, (i reckon its more like 90 percent) and a tiny amount of elders lied anyway, then the jws figures are meaningless.

    i am too lazy the do the math, but i imagine they are about 30 percent overblown at least.

    any thoughts ?


  • stillajwexelder

    There have been other threads on this --hard to estimate -- my hours are certainly false --and I know of others -- and there is always the usuall -go on service -- get in the car -- go to MacDonalds for breakfast first -- eventually knock on your first door etc. etc. --- the figures are getting more meaninglesssand futile but to put a % on the accuracy is a difficult thing to do

  • freedom96

    I would guess that about 30% of hours and placements are fudged.

  • DevonMcBride

    Most of the ex-JW's I know have manipulated their hours.

  • ScoobySnax

    Most of the JWs I know don't fudge their hours, I spent long enough with them on the Saturday morning field service group whilst territory was assigned, and watched as we all went out. We worked hard to cover the territory assigned. Since being inactive, I still see them working "the field" regularly from my viewpoint in my flat.(appartment) TMS talk I know, but either I came from a very zealous congregation, or its just another topic here to rubbish the Witnesses again.............I'm sure some may "skive" because their heart isn't in it, but the majority of Witnesses do fulfill their assignments. I watch them now and certainly don't envy them.

    ps....I've not ever bumped into any in McDonalds. LOL

  • minimus

    Scooby, Your comments make me think that you're not for real.....As an elder, I didn't go out in "service" for the last year. Still, I "put time in". It was bogus and NEVER questioned. I am now "irregular" as far as the Secretary's concerned and I only put in time to keep appearances until my family was ready to leave. I was the secretary for years and KNEW that a number NEVER went out in service, got X amount of magazines, yet reported large amounts in the placement and hour category.

  • ScoobySnax

    Oh.... good evening Minimus!.... whats up? You know different? When will you understand the irony of your replies....I'm sure you did do all you say, you put time in, didn't go out in service, filled bogus reports in. Now whilst I'm sure there are still some "in" as I said that may do this, the majority don't cheat, and do fulfill their ministry. Welcome to JW, thats why you and me are here and the ones I'm talking of aren't. Thats "for real" by the way. think about it.

  • SanFranciscoJim

    I think we should all count the hours spent on this board and report them to the Society.

    When next year's Yearbook is published, we can issue a statement that a certain percentage of the hours reported are in fact "apostate hours"!

  • proudassmonkey


    i came from a 'zealous' congragation. where everyone, including every single bethelite in fs would meet at the mcdonalds for breakfast. and ours wasn't the only congergation there. so what does that tell you? for one thing it tells me that you are still in. the way you are defending the witnesses like they are god's chosen people. let me clue you in to something, god didn't choose people.

    i was a regular pioneer and i didn't go out in FS yet every month my report said 90 hours. but no witnesses never fudge.


  • ScoobySnax

    Thanks Melissa. ............ oh lordy.

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