Selling Ice to an Eskimo

by Jang 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • slipnslidemaster

    I feel like I have to defend JanG here. Nobody forces you to read the posts. If you click in and scroll down and see that it's too much then click out just as easily.

    I have only been on this board for a relatively short time but I've figured out how to flip between the first screen and the other screens. I believe that right now we have 5-20 topic screens for just the last day. Switching between them is not that difficult a concept.

    I read the entire thing that JanG took the time to write today. I found it to be fascinating and I'm glad that there are people that research and take time to put together interesting material.

    Thank you JanG

    Slipnslidemaster: Doin' the humpty hump...just doin' the humpty hump...

  • Seeker

    "Some points here about spamming may be valid--but could they be addressed in a different, non-embarrassing manner?

    I did notice JanG's email addy is unblocked--perhaps a brief note to her inbox would've been a better idea."

    As one of the resident nice guys in this forum, and yet one of the person's who said JanG was spamming, please allow me to explain my actions, Lisa. What you said is quite legitimate, and shows kindness on your part. Here's why I didn't do what you suggested: Sending email to JanG is the worst possible thing you can do. You run the risk of being put on one of her mailing lists, and forever more you will be subjected to emails from her. It won't matter if you ask to be taken off the lists, you won't be. I've had several of my h2o friends get caught in this predicament, until they finally had to publicly ask JanG to stop sending those damn emails! That is as classical a definition of "spam" as I know.

    Since JanG has had this reputation for years, and I've yet to see her ever admit to doing anything wrong no matter how many people publicly begged her to stop, and considering the incredibly selfish and rude response she made to Ginny in this thread, I felt justified in using the word "spamming." With anyone else, I might hope a kind email would work. With JanG, I know it won't.

  • Seeker

    P.S. You might notice I block my email address on this site. This is a custom I began years ago on h2o. I did it for one reason, and one reason only: JanG

  • LDH


    Thank you for an explanation which made so many things clear! I did know there was an undercurrent of 'dislike' towards JanG but never having been on the receiving end of her email lists, I wasn't sure why.


    I have no reason to doubt Seeker, and this does mirror some of the nasty 'rumors' that I've been hearing. If others have asked you to remove their name from your list and you won't comply, I guess this negativity is to be expected. 'Knowing' most of the people on this board, I was a little surprised at the reaction to your lengthy posts but now I understand.

    My personal feelings are that the post was a little windy, but still, people have a right to post and a right to read. I just think you should take some of these comments to heart, esp. about adding people's name to your mailing list without thier permission and against their will.

    My 2 cents,

  • waiting

    Day late & dollar short is a motto I tend to have to live by. I just responded to JanG's apology - and then went cruising and found this one.

    I've been on the web for about a year, and on JanG's mailing list pretty soon after that. I've learned some stuff, gotten a couple of good jokes -and a couple of really good jokes from her.

    When I'm not in the mood, I don't open her e-mails, save them for later. When I do open them, if I'm not interested - I delete. Sometimes I get behind on time, and just delete.

    No big deal. But as of yet, I've found no reason - imho - to ask to be taken from her list. Maybe someday - but not now. I enjoy her company.

    Thanks, JanG.


  • COMF
    You might notice I block my email address on this site. This is a custom I began years ago on h2o. I did it for one reason, and one reason only: JanG

    Ayup. I managed to escape while on H2O, but just shortly after I put up my email on this forum, I began to receive emails from JanG. Recalling the fruitless efforts of many on H2O to get their emails removed from those lists, and especially recalling JanG's denial-infused defense of herself there, I haven't even bothered to ask.

    I just put her on the "Blocked Senders" list.


  • Jang

    Comf .... all you had to do was remind me .....

    I do sometimes forget you know ...... so take me off the blocked list ..... I will keep it just for when I need to ask you something privately ... OK

    Anyway, that explains why I never got an answer from you when I did write about something a while back.

    Please folks .... just remind me ..... I am not infallible ....


  • expatbrit

    Just to get back to the original subject:

    Obviously the WT FITD technique is:

    Would you like to read this tract? Yes
    Would you like to have a study? Yes (so they hope)

    As for DITF:

    Would you like a bible study? No
    OK how about these mags? Yes

    But, how to spin the technique around and use it on them?

    DITF won't work:

    Would you like to read Crisis of Conscience by Raymond Franz? NO!
    How about looking at this discussion board on the WT? AWAY WITH THEE, APOSTATE!

    FITD probably wont work either:

    Would you like to read this interesting 1928 Watchtower? OK
    How about looking at this discussion board on the WT? AWAY WITH THEE, APOSTATE!

    Nope. There has to be another technique to "sell" knowledge to your JW family. Wish I knew what it was.


  • COMF

    Hi, JanG! Tell you what: I'll take you at your word. I'll wait 24 hours. You remove my email from all your lists. Tomorrow I'll take you out of my blocked senders list. I'll wait a few days, and then report the results back here.


  • Jang

    Done when you mentioned it Comf ...

    I have placed it in the special file that I created last year where I can keep addresses that I may need, but do not want to get included on those days I am cognitively impaired.

    Soffy again forthe guff ..... it wasn't deliberate


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