The real reason Chelmsford hasn't been stopped

by Saltheart Foamfollower 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Saltheart Foamfollower
    Saltheart Foamfollower

    I haven't seen this mentioned yet. Last year in the UK, shortly after the money grab that everyone had, we had a video and letter (both probably still available from Atlantis) appealing for money for the new Bethel and slips were handed out etc. This means that most UK congregations are sending a regular donation specifically for the Chelmsford build. If they just stopped it, many would stop their contributions, so instead they seem to be slowing it almost to a stop but can still say it is going ahead so they can keep the cash coming in.

    Or am I too cynical?


  • Saintbertholdt
    Or am I too cynical?

    Nope. Seems to be a good way to solve the cash flow problem while still saving face.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Despite the construction work worldwide being halted, the donations/pledges must still be handed over, because the Org inserted this get-out clause in their 4-page money grab letter:

    "Please note, funds received for this new programme will form part of our general funds, rather than a restricted fund, however your preference for the donations to be used for construction will be noted."

    In other words, "You are all stupid because you believe that your donations will be used to build K.H.'s etc., but your money will be used for anything we wish."

  • joe134cd
    To be honest from a strategic standpoint, the British bethel would be to important not to have. I think they will eventually get there.
  • Magnum

    Definitely not too cynical to me. Your point seems reasonable and makes sense.

    I'd like to know what's really going at that site. Maybe construction has been stopped in the sense that the acitivity ain't what it used to be. Maybe they're just keeping something going on over there to keep up the appearance that all is normal.

    I wish I knew for sure.

  • Formerbrother

    There were going to be over 1000 workers for chelmsford, we saw all those mobile/park homes on the video played to all UK congregations.

    Now they have about 30 people left at the site, just finishing off some of the houses and flats that they had started anyway.

    So I think its still going ahead, but they at first bought 80 ac4reas, then last year they bought another 250 acres.

    The plan was something about leasing out the land to worldly farmers to provide food for the betehel family.

    I wonder what the plan is now?

  • Vidiot
    They way things are going these days, there's virtually no such thing as "too cynical".
  • pepperheart
    the thing that puzzles me is why they dont move so that they can sell a prime site and get loads of money for it
  • Vidiot

    @ pepperheart...

    My guess would be that they want to avoid looking too anxious.

  • Formerbrother

    First there is the largest cull ever since the org began.

    So when all the bethelites have been kicked out they will sell loads of prime property in London even before they move to chelmsford.

    Its about 6 years away so they say when the branch will move and sell the remaining properties.

    But they are putting brothers three to a room, so they can sell as many properties as possible.

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