2023 Yearly Report UNDER the Microscope

by raymond frantz 44 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Diogenesister
    "....number of ordained ministers at branches worldwide (21,629 in the last report). Unless they published these figures somewhere else this time?"

    Hmmmm....would there be any particular reason for this aside from not wanting to trumpet drop in numbers? Perhaps Fudging the numbers, should need arise, in time of war?(or am I over thinking things?)

  • DesirousOfChange

    Where did they find that many JW kids to dunk?

  • JeffT

    The statistic I like to figure every year: it took 6,647 hours of field service to bring in one baptism. That's three people working full time for the entire year.

  • Phizzy

    On the matter of fudging figures, why do they say "239 Lands" ? I know they list various Territories , but these are not "Lands", there are only 195 Lands in the World.

    Again, J.W Org. has its own unique, and wrong, definition of a word. It occurs to me that this is a way of fooling the R&F JW's in to thinking the label they attach to funds "spent" of Worldwide Work is actually literal, when of course, there are many places with very few J.W's, and probably some with none.

    Thank you Ray for the O.P. and to all for the other comments since. This Report does nothing to convince me they are doing well in any way, unless you just look at the bald percentage increases and compare with other religious groups with no analysis, and it has done nothing to convince me that the Org. is not moribund.

  • Drearyweather

    I think you can spin any statistics to any conclusion that you want. If the numbers increase then they are fake and if they decrease then the WT is dying.

  • BluesBrother

    Thanks for studying those statistics…. It is more than I would have done..

    Really at present the % increases are pretty meaningless . There have been so many changes in recent years due to Covid and lockdown that there is not a true comparison. The Pioneer hours have changed.

    Now they have done away with counting time, one only has to turn up at a F.S. Group or send someone a text … as long as you mention something about it, job done ! You can put a tick in the appropriate box of your NW Publisher electronic report and everyone is happy.

  • Phizzy

    Even J.W's who only recently died in the last few years would be astounded at what the org. has become !

  • TheOldHippie

    As always, there is one thing that you tend to forget - that people die, Rounding off and making it easy, one per cent of a given population die during a year. Some years ago, the WT stated one per cent were df'ed during a year, and one per cent "quit". Three per cent in all. Just for the sake of calculation, we can use that number. So of the 8.7 or something million publishers, some 250,000 "die or quit" during a year. If you therefore have a 0 per cent growth, that "in reality" means a 3 per cent growth, because you have substituted those who left with new ones. So a growth of 110,000 or 1.3 per cent "in reality" is a growth of 360,000 new ones or 4.3 per cent. Not bad.

    Just saying. So don't forget the "die or quit" group. Slimboy has shown by means of The Church of Scotland what the figures would have been like without this substitution.

  • FFGhost
    If you therefore have a 0 per cent growth, that "in reality" means a 3 per cent growth, because you have substituted those who left with new ones.


    That’s pretty hysterical.

    I earned 50,000 per year over the past 20 years. I have 0 in my bank account, “In reality” I have 1 million because I shouldn’t factor in the money I spent?

    Maybe I can afford that villa in Côte d’Azur because, even though I have 0 in my bank account, the real estate agent will instead consider what I have “in reality”?

    Nice try.

  • TonusOH

    I think TheOldHippie is saying that you could rightly say that you earned one million dollars over that time. Someone else might ask "if you really earned a million dollars, why isn't it in your bank account?" Well, you spent that money. But you also did earn it.

    If the WTS's numbers improved by 1% after accounting for a 3% loss, then we can say that they gained 4% but lost 3%. The 1% is a net gain. This makes me very curious to see how the numbers change over the next few years, because it will show them whether the doctrine/policy changes worked or not. Will they be able to slow the number who leave each year? Will they be able to improve on the growth percentages?

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