Has The Internet REALLY Hurt Jehovah's Witnesses?

by minimus 96 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sweet Sally
    Sweet Sally


    i'm curious about how people tick. just a watcher of human behavior. you have to admit, you are a unique people here.


  • Nosferatu

    Another way the internet could harm the WTS is with people who are interested in the "Truth". They want to read more about "Paradise Earth" and "Armageddon", so they go on the internet, type "Jehovah's Witnesses" into the search engine, and find out the TRUTH.

    This may also happen with people who have relatives who are studying the bible. They might want to know exactly how JWs tick, they read the info on the net, and a simple email can show their relatives the TRUTH.

    There's all kinds of possibilities with the internet, rumors, email, etc. Then there's the documentaries on TV with "silentlambs.org" advertised.

  • jgnat

    Sweet Sally, being curious certainly affiliates you with the rest of the human race (Adamic nature and all). Wouldn't you think there are others like you; loyal but curious?

  • Sweet Sally
    Sweet Sally


    being curious, wanting to see each side of the coin doesn't necessarily mean one would change their position or belief.


  • jgnat

    But it does go against your assertion, Sal, that only Witnesses that are on their way out would come here.

  • Sweet Sally
    Sweet Sally


    not knowing my position or belief you may be assuming too much. while i may defend a certain belief, for argument sake, you don't know what i believe. my position still is that true believers will not be found questioning their faith on the net.


  • Nosferatu

    Hello Sweet Sally! Here is something that you said earlier:

    Those with doubts (question their faith) will come here and be swayed. They likely would have left anyway.

    I had left long before I knew there were ex-jws on the internet. I wasn't questioning my faith at all, I thought that the way JWs are commanded to live was wrong. It was never part of my faith from day one. I still believed in Jehovah, I still believed his name was Jehovah, and I believed everything written in the bible.

    After I left, I had one major problem: I kept thinking "What if they're right?" The whole 1914 generation thing lingered in my mind. About a year ago, a link to freeminds.org was provided on an unrelated message board that I frequented. I went and I was able to fix my haunting problem of "What if they're right?" I found out they had changed that stupid doctrine back in 1995.

    It's only within the last year that I've begun to question my faith - 7 years after I had left. I've been opened up to new ideas regarding God and the Bible.

  • jgnat

    Sal, I am simply following up on a logical fallacy from your first post here. Unless you correct me, I am going to assume you mean what you say, and use that as my assumptions on what you believe.

    I'd guess 99.9 per cent of you were already out of the org. or well on your way when you got involved on the net, let alone this site. That doesn't particularly look like the net will draw anyone out that isn't already predisposed. You'd have to be questioning your beliefs to even be here as the WTS frowns on these sites.
  • Sweet Sally
    Sweet Sally

    jgnat: feel free to believe anything you want.

    Nosferatu: my point was that one with doubts about their belief would likely leave the JWs anyway whether they expose themselves to the internet or not. you obviously aren't in this group as you had left before searching the net. happy searching!!!


  • jgnat

    I am sorry, Sal, I am not clear here. Did I offend you in any way?

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