Why are men so fickle

by noidea 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • smack

    They aren't???????? thanks for shattering another illusion.


  • xenawarrior


    When I looked at this thread amongst the other topics - read left to right-----

    Why are men so fickle 17-Sep-03 02:04 Sep 17, 2003noidea

    LOL I have no idea either

    Thanks for the visual entertainment hon!! Hope you find the answer. If you do- please let me know k?


  • Mac
    !! Hope you find the answer. If you do- please let me know k?


    ER....ummmmmm.....I think it's cuz of girls like you!!!


  • rocketman

    Yeah, we suck.

  • rocketman

    I guess in some ways it does get easier when you're older. We should know what we want by that time, and we should in theory not be behaving as boyishly as we once did.

    But, chances are we will be a wary lot by that time in life. Burned a time or two or three perhaps. Leery of committment. Kids may be involved by then. Baggage can be excessive too. There's still all kinds of emotional crap to sift through, perhaps even moreso than when we were young.

    End result....we suck. We don't want to, but we do.

  • Maverick

    Lack of good role models. With so many broken or dysfunctional families, and the boob tube displaying weak and incompetent males, most men today are clueless! They are never taught how to properly interact with women as a man and not some androgynous being! And the WatchTower fuels this with their BS! And by the time a man or woman gets in their thirties, they have been done dirty enough to be very guarded or are jaded. The trust factor is gone. Also add in the mix so much emphasis on appearance and not character development. We have an additude of newer, better, faster, over loyalty, humility, and modesty! The former seem more exciting, the latter boring! Maverick

  • Robdar

    I thought the dating thing was suppose to get easier when you got older

    I thought the same thing. Boy, was I surprised. Somebody changed the rules in the 14 years that I was out of the single scene. I just know that I have seen enough not to be impressed. I have decided to have nothing to do with it for a while and to focus on school and career only.

    Good luck. It's crazy out there.


  • William Penwell
    William Penwell
    ..come on guys..what makes you tick????

    I would like to ask you the same question, come on ladies what makes you tick??? As soon as I think I have you all figured out you do things I don't understand. I am not just refering to women here but men also, why can't we be honest in a relationship and not play games with one another??? Thats all I ever ask. I don't want aomeone to string me along for so many months and then end up telling she has no feelings for me. I would rather someone honestly tell me right from day one and not play games. I mean arne't we adults here? Do we all have to play childish games? Am I asking too much? Anyway that is my pet peeve.

    I am now at the point in my life where I figure I have so much to offer in a relationship and refuse to play games. This is me take it or leave it.


  • xenawarrior

    I would like to ask you the same question, come on ladies what makes you tick???

    It's not your turn Will !!! See how you guys are?

    *thwacks mac*

  • Special K
    Special K

    I find some men moodier than any women I know..and they don't even get PMS...DA!!

    special k

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