What do you do with your old liturature?

by Gadget 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    I never really had a library. I left all my shit theocratic literature in my mother's library since I was never liked the look of those books on my shelf. Well actually, there was a brief period of time when I was sorta buying into it and had a few books on my shelf. That shelf is now filled with Heavy Metal magazines. Nicer pictures :)

  • Prisca

    My library has grown since I left the Borg!!

    I've been accumulating stuff for research purposes, especially since I still have family who are still in.

    would you happen to have an original Jan 1, 1989 Watchtower?

    I do, but I'm keeping it.

  • smack

    I tried to burn mine, but it wouldn't burn. Maybe it's demonised!


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    ..."My library has grown since I left the Borg!! "....

    musta been a SMALL library while you were "in"

    ..."I've been accumulating stuff for research purposes"...

    Yeah, you accumulate....and I research it. lol

  • Prisca


    I was going to say "at least my books were underlined unlike some people I know" but then I realised I hardly did any personal study as a Dub so....

    Yes, many of your brilliant essays and research are based upon books that you have borrowed from my library. Now if only you would return them....

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Well I returned your "Finished Mystery" copy so stop whining. Of course, I DID manage to tear the cloth binding the inside cover to the body of pages.... and after you had preserved its delicate fabric intact for near on a century too.

    Sorry about that.

  • Angharad

    When we had a hamster, part of the cage was a little wobbly, we used a couple of the little books (something like the Daniel one, not sure which ) to level it - worked great!

    Most of ours are in a box in the bottom of the wardrobe.

  • LyinEyes

    We moved back into our old house that we left when we left the borg. Coming back to the house to get it ready to move into , was like walking into a ghost house,,,,,,,,one of a family that lived there and was suddenly gone.

    The meeting clothes, suits, ties, shoes, bookbags and literature were all over the place.

    I threw all the old suits away, the ugly dresses I wore, and kept some of the books.

    I guess I kept some of the books for sentimental reasons, like my oldest's son's first little black Bible, mainly because it was a gift when he was 2 from me. I kept the aid book, and some of the really older books, also the Greatest man book, because I really loved that book. I kept my pink song book because it was my mom's has her signature in it and scribblings from my sister and me in it.

    Now for all the stacks of magazines and bound volumns,,,,,,,,,,,well , we needed to start a good bon fire one nite and used them to get it going. The whole family had a part in it and the kids were more than happy to throw the indiviual magazines , especially the really embarrassing ones they had to try to place out in service, into the fire.

  • sens

    Turfed em'....all, except my bible's

  • brutusmaximus

    Handed it in to a charity shop. I know poor shop but I couldn't be bothered going to the re-cycling centre. You can hear the conversation now though between a couple of pioneers at the hall. " There I was in LALA charity shop and I found all these WT publications, I wonder who put them there?" "Maybe someone got a PC and decided they didn't have room for all the old books."

    I used pioneers cause they would be in there looking for cheap clothes as they couldn't afford to buy new ones cause they are too busy doing the lords work.

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