New penis grown on boy's arm

by Big Tex 50 Replies latest social humour

  • Brummie

    Damn they'll be so advanced that we will be able to grow these things in the garden soon...imagine taking the ladies out back to show them the plants.

    Instructions on growing a productive plant: Tenderly pinch nib of plant 5 times a day.

    Gives a new meaning to the mary quite contary how does your garden grow.

  • Brummie

    Sorry for above post, my mind ran away at the potential.

    *wraps penis round arm and waits for the growth*

  • obiwan

    Geez, if this really takes off, women will most certainly not need a man. I can see the headlines now.

    Ladies, grow your own penis on your arm, and finally get rid of that man!

  • willyloman

    "Is that a penis on your arm, or are you just glad to see me?"

  • cruzanheart

    Think of the possibilities -- could give the word "dickhead" a whole new meaning.


  • riz

    LMAO @ willyloman

  • Valis

    um...I know what it means to wear your heart on your sleeve, but um.....eheh....


    District Overbeer

  • Gerard

    OUCH! Visit Smiley Central!

  • avishai

    When I was young, without much sense,

    I took a whiz on an electric fence.

    It hurt so bad, it burnt my b*lls,

    and then I crapped my overalls

  • LeslieV

    Ok you guys are simply not fair. I am sitting at work spitting on my computer screen laughing at this poor kid. Geeee talk about a mental image playing around in your head. The first thing I thought of was good thing that kid is not a JW!!!!! Can you imagine the old sisters seeing that on his arm??? The face is to funny to even think about. The poor kid would have to tie it down even if he wanted to wear long sleeves to not offend anyone.

    Man I would think for you guys between your legs can get in the way sometimes..I can't imagine on your arm!!!!!! This thread is to funny.


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