Oh, the inconsistency of it all!!

by ozziepost 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Why is it that the Son of God is reputed to have turned water into wine, but the ones who profess to be his "bride" can't even change a "New Light" bulb adequately?

    Frannie B

  • peacefulpete

    Why do they say the Mosaic Law was fullfilled and not imposed upon Christians yet use it to support their ban on vasectomies.

    Why is it said a man can be forgiven for leaving his wife and marrying another yet be said to still be a "husband of more than one wife" and therefore disqualified from seeking a position of oversight even after she remarries?

  • peacefulpete

    Why is it when my mother became a JW and was disowned she saw it as unloving persecution yet when JWs disown family for leaving their church it is "tough love".

  • ozziepost

    Yes, Pete, that's a real contradiction! As the poms would say, "What's good for the goose, is good for the gander"!

    Cheers, OzzieVisit Smiley Central!

  • Special K
    Special K

    Good topic.. ozzie

    I like talesin's and can't figure out as we;; ..

    "Why do some talk to DFd ones, and others shun?"

    "Why do J.W.'s think they are the only ones who can INTERPRET The bible.

    You know, they remind me of some English Teachers that my 16 year old has had.. They say, READ this .. and interpret in your own words what it means to you.

    Then when you do that .,, the teacher says..Sorry, kiddo.. what you write is wrong. It is interpretted.. this way..

    Why ask someone for their opinion and then tell them their opinions are obsolete and not valid.. DA!!!

    J.W.'s say... that so many things are a conscious matter.. and then WHACK you if you use YOUR Conscience to guide you.

    special k

    The hyprocrisy in J.W. religion stumbled me right out of the J.W.'s..

  • nobody told me
    nobody told me

    Why is a brother not disfellowshipped for child abuse, when he breaks 50 bones in his childrens body? He did jail time for this, yet stays a member of the JWs? Yet, a sister is disfellowshipped for lying about her friend seeing a worldly man?

  • peacefulpete

    Ozzie...Lets reword that...What is bad for the goose is bad for the gander.

  • ozziepost

    Yep, Pete, I agree! Silly of me to miss that!

    Cheers, OzzieVisit Smiley Central!

  • Elsewhere
    Why is it good to question your faith and religion unless you are a jw?

    Oh, but it is perfectly OK for a JW to question their faith... so long as they conclude that it is correct! A person with mere questions can be "readjusted". It is when they start to conclude that the FDS is wrong and stubbornly stick to those rebellious conclusions that they get into trouble.

  • Elsewhere
    Why is a brother not disfellowshipped for child abuse, when he breaks 50 bones in his childrens body? He did jail time for this, yet stays a member of the JWs? Yet, a sister is disfellowshipped for lying about her friend seeing a worldly man?

    Because the brother was "weak" but the sister was "rebellious".

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