Oh, the inconsistency of it all!!

by ozziepost 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ozziepost
    First off oz.....I thought I was reading an exerpt from a watchtower with your opening comment I outlined in bold type.......tee he

    I wonder why??? I musta written too much, eh? Cheers, Ozzie Visit Smiley Central!

  • peacefulpete

    Why can you accept blood products but not donate the blood to make them? Why do we condemn the system for "ruining the earth" yet get disfellowshipped for supporting the Sierra Club that tries to improve things? Why do you encourage researching encyclopedias and refence works to prove to yourself the "Truth" yet call someone Apostate for sharing what they learned from these sources. Why do you say an Elder's first responsibility is to his family yet insist he disown them if they disagree with the Society?

  • Nosferatu

    We can't listen to songs with sexually explicit lyrics, but we can sing a Kingdom Melody about "bees being molested"?

    The Society tells us to make an examination of our religion, but we'll get disfellowshipped if we read literature written by Ex-JWs.

    The Society tells us to beware of false prophets, but they've made false prophecies themselves.

    Jehovah's Witnesses are known as being "nice, honest, loving people" but they get doors slammed in their face when they're out in Service.

  • talesin

    Why do some talk to DFd ones, and others shun?

    Why do some elders sit in the tavern drinking all afternoon, and others are DFd for getting drunk once?

    Why are some allowed to lead "double" lives (that everyone knows about) and others get reproved for the slightest infringement of the rules?

    ... just off the top of my head


  • minimus

    Why is it that a brother has to wear a suit when giving a public talk but doesn't have to, to conduct the Watchtower Study?......Why is it that a newly baptized Jehovah's Witness can't go to heaven if he really believes that's his destiny?.......Why is it that a JW can't celebrate a birthday or Mother's Day yet can recieve a "Mother's Ring"? Why is it that JW's can't but Halloween, Christmas or Easter candy BEFORE the holidays but can scoop them up at half price AFTER the event?.......Why is it that JW's can't takea blood transfusion but can take a marrow transplant???????

  • peacefulpete

    Why are we told to not compare ourselves with others yet we must be exemplary in all things.

  • Englishman

    Why is that when JW's are persecuted it proves that they are the one true religion?

    Why is that when JW's are blessed it proves that they are the one true religion?

    Why are Jehovah's witnesses so miserable when they're supposed to be happy?

    Why aren't we 28 years into the New Order?

    Why do JW's believe the FDS has anything whatsoever to do with the 144,000?


  • peacefulpete

    Why is the music I was told was debased and demonic now classic rock and played at weddings?

  • integ

    Why is it that wine and beer are okay, but tobacco isn't?

    Because Jesus drank wine at a wedding party...But you never see anyhting in the scriptures about him firing up a Marlboro do you?


  • peacefulpete

    Why do we never hear a talk about doing our part to reduce pollution (recycling,driving resposible cars)but read about how self centered and shortsighted the world is?

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