Would a Good God Really Create a Place Called HELL?

by Blueblades 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    I have read a number of different materials on this subject,doctrine,teaching,topic and still can't reconcile that a Good God would really create a place called HELL.

    JEREMIAH 7:31and 19:5 and they have built the high places of Tophet,which is in the valley of the Son of Hinnom,to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire,which I did not command ,nor did it come into My heart.

    If burning of sons and daughters never came into God's heart, and God is Good and Loving,why the teaching of a burning Hell-Fire as eternal punishment for most of mankind who have no idea about this or the so-called way out of this Hell?

    Blueblades, still confused about it is ,it isn't what it means????

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    I thought hel was a root cellar in Norway??

  • Yerusalyim


    Hell is not the physical burning place as described by the JW's as what most christians believe. In Catholic Theology...hell is merely the absence of God. People CHOOSE to go there by rejecting God.

    God loves us so much that he will respect our wishes not to be with him.

  • jgnat

    There's gotta be SOME place to send Hitler and his minions, rapists, and pedophiles.

  • tinkerbell82

    i did a search on the word "hell" in the scriptures, and i didnt find anything helpful for this topic, actually i like the way yeru summed it up although it's not my belief personally that's the best explanation of hell i've ever heard...but i found this scripture from matthew...and i thought, hm, if the bible is right, the JW's are in troooooooouble! ;)

    "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when he becomes one, you make him twice as much a son of hell as you are.
  • azaria

    I don't have the answers. First, I'm not sure if God created Hell. (I tend to believe that He didn't) The old testament states that He created Heaven, Earth, Mankind, Animals, etc. and all was good etc. I believe that Hell is a separation from God. Non believers made a decision not to believe in God so they are separated from God (it was their own choosing) Hell was created (maybe that's the wrong word) when people rejected God. But I could be wrong. It is not the reason why I believe but for those who don't believe; what if Hell is a reality! Eternity is a long time to be wrong. I once argued with my dad when he tried to convince me that the JW org was right. I said that I didn't care because I wouldn't be conscious anyway as JW's believe and if I didn't make it to Paradise I wouldn't care because I had no desire to live for eternity with just JW's. All my loved ones wouldn't be with me, so for me Paradise would have been Hell.

  • azaria
    God loves us so much that he will respect our wishes not to be with him.

    I agree with you Yerusalyim. I don't believe that it is a place of deliberate torture, but if Hell truly exists, everyone that rejects God, including the evil people would exist there, so I can't imagine it's a place that I would want to visit. I don't think that JW believe in Hell though; we just disappear, our soul doesn't survive.

  • bebu

    Here is a famous essay on hell, a chapter from CS Lewis' book, "The Problem of Pain".


    Food for thought (if you can read the smaller type!!)


  • drwtsn32
    Hell is not the physical burning place as described by the JW's as what most christians believe. In Catholic Theology...hell is merely the absence of God. People CHOOSE to go there by rejecting God.

    Yeru, are you denying that Catholic theology once taught that hell was a fiery place of torment?

    As far as eternal torment goes... no loving God/person would ever do that to someone. Hellfire is simply used as a threat in order to control people.

  • maybesbabies

    I don't believe in Hell. The way I see it, if the whole "the wages of sin is death" thing is true, then when you die, your wages are paid, therefore, you will not be put in "Hell" for your sins. If God truly is love, then he would not do something as unloving as eternal punishment. He would forgive us, any of us, as we are all imperfect.

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