i think that 2 x jw getting together must make a good match

by nelly1 29 Replies latest social relationships

  • drwtsn32
    hamas is on the market for a hot xjw apostahunk

    Hamas: I hate breaking people's hearts, but you know I'm taken, right?

  • Hamas

    awww shucks !!!


    Darn it.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    You make a good point here that other x jw's have a lot in common with each other and know where each others heads are at. My experience with non jw's is they can't understand where we are really coming from. It is also correct there is a lot of other very dysfunctional religions or cults out there. As far as I any one that has to have seek approval from anyone else has a problem, wither it is a religion, ideology, fortune teller or belief system. I am my own person I don't need anyone else's approval. So my point is jw's are not the only screwed up religion out there.


  • outnfree
    would just like an exjw boyfriend because they all look so dern hot!!
    Can I get an amen sisters!?!

    Hell, yeah!!!

    I think it's true that 2 xjws would make a good match. My husband was never a JW and even though he had to live the "unbelieving mate" experience and was ecstatic when I left, he thinks it absurd that I still like to frequent MeetUps and Apostafests with other XJW types. ( you guys!!!) To him, if I've left, I've left, why rehash? Part of that is his personality type, but part of it, too, is that he just doesn't "get" the pervasiveness of the cult experience and the sheer joy of getting out AND of helping others to adjust (or leave).


  • Valis

    I think we have examples of matches that work well (onanism and bikerchic some to mind as one example) and we also have seen the aftermath of people getting together that have serious issues about trust, social maturation (or the lack thereof), the dynamics of a real relationship, etc. It can get ugly. I would like to think that all XJWs could buy each other a coke and be naughty in perfect harmony, but it just aint so....


    District Overbeer

  • Eric


    I guess I'm jaded, but don't you think there would always be the gnawing fear that one or the other would return to JW-land?

    Yeah, Oh yeah. I've been through it. I am, in fact, tempting this very spectre again.

    My twice divorced, twice disfellowshipped, twice re-instated vacillating sister put two ex-husbands through that wringer. I can tell you they are both good men who now hold at least as much loathing for JW's as any of the most outspoken xJW apostates around.

    The root cause in these cases was not a searching for truth or spirituality, but familial pressure. It is very hard to cut children off from their grandparents. Even when the attempt to "reunite" is false and based on nothing more than appearances to regain the family's approval, the tightrope the partner must walk takes a toll on their mate. In terms of time spent, other commitments and in respect.

    It is a bit of a minefield, and you are best to be sure you and your xJW hopeful are working from the same map.


  • Jim_TX

    While it might seem that ideally, exJWs would be a good match (for the obvious reasons already stated), it does not mean that ex-JWs are the only ones who have belonged to a religion that was fanatical in their practices.

    I have recently talked to a few gals who are non-JWs. True - some do not understand the insanity of the religion... but one - whose parents converted to Baptist - and were in the Bible Belt - were ALSO fanatical, and she has described many of her experiences growing up that... if you replaced the word 'Baptist' with 'Jehovah's Witness', you couldn't tell the difference. For example, when it came to her getting her records and tapes 'burned' or thrown away, because they were unsuitable music. There were other experiences, too - very similar to what a JW would experience.

    Sooooo... we need to just try to do our best in living our lives. If we find someone that we are attracted to - then it should not really matter that they do not fully comprehend our 'prior life' experiences.

    Personally, I just try to not twitch too much when the conversations turn to religious topics. *grin*


    Jim TX


    Hi Nelly....................I agree with you. Common ground goes a long way in any relationship.

    My hubby and I went to the same school (before either of us were dubs) but because he's younger, we never met.

    Then we ended up meeting in the borg. Both been through similair experiences with first marriages, knowing same people from school etc. we ended up becoming very good friends for years. We fell in love. I thought it was because we were in the 'troof' and loved it. But it turns out that we both left, we both felt the same way about the same things. We are very happy together, out. I don't think that I couldn't love a man not from a dub background but the strength in our relationship is the common experiences and deep understanding of the cult we were once in.

    I have many friends in my life now, some from before I was a dub, and some new from work etc.................but the ones that I can open up to about the hurt heart I got from the borg are my dear xdub friends..............some old and some new.

    My life has real friends in it now, my best one being Mr Bliss!

    Hugs Nelly, take care.


  • Fe2O3Girl

    My husband has a completely different religious background to mine. His family are non churchgoing, nominal C-of-E. He has no religious feelings at all.

    We are very happy. He does try to understand what it was like to be a JW. I don't think it would benefit me if he had the same screwy background as me. That said, I do not define myself as an XJW, by which I mean that 9 years on, there's a hell of a lot more to being me than not being a JW anymore. Early influences and how I reconcile them to my continued experience and growth will of course always form a part of me.

    His family don't understand at all, and maybe that's a good thing. They are a background of solid normality. I would not have relished marrying into a whole load more JW family background.

    IMO, successful relationships are down to the way the two individuals behave and treat each other. And this individual is not defined exclusively by being XJW, female, English, British, Apostate, liberal, agnostic, Christian or any other label you might want to stick on me. Real people are not that easily pigeon holed.

  • Maverick

    I can relate to both sides of this issue. I have a lady friend that is an active dud. She knows it is crap but goes anyway...go figure! I think she tolerates my letter writing anti JW stuff cause she likes me. And I have a lady friend that never was, but her mother-in-law was one. Her husband...now dead...was raised a dud but gave them the flick. I never talk about it to her. That's why I come here! You guys...get it! And I can keep my personal life fun, fun, fun! Maverick

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