Will the Internet bring down the watchtower Bible and Tract Society

by frankiespeakin 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Francois

    Deb Darlin', you really can paint a visual image when you want to. I can just see it now; all bent over a steaming coil with a pair of tweezers and a bag of Zinnia seeds pokein' them suckers into the steaming pile, waitin' fer flowers in 60 days. Unfortunately, doggy poop is too hot with phosphorous for anything to grow in it but weeds - as we have seen in the WT and the Awake!

    But I still love your imagery.

    And thanks, jgnat. I hope you get to use that on a JW soon. I used it on my mother the other night and it caused an immediate silence.


  • Beans

    Well this site seems to be helping!


  • heathen

    I think the internet is an eye opener for anyone as we do have many people come on here with personal experiences with the borg that they wouldn't dare mention on thursday night in the cong . I mean jeeze what would happen if the borg let people get up in front of the cong and vent like they do here? moma mia !!!!! just to show you the mind control that goes on with them . I do think the WTBTS will more likely grow in areas of the world that have limited access to information . I mean the WTBTS is a link to some information but it is not fair and ballanced news .

  • freeman

    Nobody joins a cult when they know just what it is he or she is joining. Type in Watchtower or Jehovah’s Witnesses into a search engine and you will find all you will ever need to make an informed choice. I do not know if the Internet will ever bring the tower down, however it is safe to say that the Internet Absolutely IS the Towers Worst Nightmare!


  • frankiespeakin

    One of the nicest things about the internet and its bringing down the WT is that there will alway be surprises!!!

    Because you never know who's it's going to bring together? When you think of it, the watchtowers has hurt a lot of people, and somewhere along the lines they are going to hurt too many of the wrong people,.. some genius, or financially powerfull person, or some legal eagle, that can do a lot of damage to the watchtower, someone that knows how to pull all the right strings, and knows all the right people. It's bound to happen eventually, the more enemies they make. With the Internet making easy access for these people to get to know one another. The Society must be very worried as they see sites like this one increasing!!! and they see more and more people visiting these sites. They must know the more enemies they make the more difficult it is to deal with the problems this banding together causes and they have made a lot of enemies and will continue to make more, and more enemies in their under-handed treatment of people that gave them their trust.

    I see a big snow ball rolling down the mountain and it is headed for the WT and its GB.

  • frankiespeakin

    The snow ball rolling down the hill is getting bigger and bigger.

  • DaCheech

    without the internet the watchtower would have an easy way of erasing THEIR history................ all intelligent people can see for themselves!!!

    2 + 2 = 5?

  • LongHairGal

    I don't know about bringing it "down" but the Internet has certainly dealt severe blows to the JW religion and I believe, in the West anyway, their glory days are behind them.

    The only growth they are experiencing is in third-world countries where people are materially poor and cannot keep the religion afloat.

    In fact, they WANT something from a religion whether it be JWs or any other religion. Remember the term "rice christians"? If anything, the mentality is worse than ever in this desperate world!

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