Ever get the feeling your just not "normal"?

by logansrun 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • Euphemism

    Bradley... I had the exact same feeling when I was in college.

    I hate to use a loaded term, but I think that the best word for it is 'nerd.' Being a nerd doesn't mean having poor hygeine, no fashion sense, thick glasses, and a pocket protector. It's more a way of thinking. It's not something I can necessarily define, but other nerds will know what I mean.

    And lest you try to deny the charge, I want to state, for the record, that anyone who has a Greek bust for their avatar is a nerd.

    I definitely got more socially adept with time; and I definitely feel a lot closer and more connected to people now that I'm mentally free from the Borg. But I still feel most at home, most connected, with other nerds.

    I suppose a more charitable term might be 'intellectuals'.

    What is your major in college? If you're planning to pursue a career in academia, engineering, or another technical field, you will probably find that you fit in just fine, and feel quite normal.

  • tinkerbell82

    adam, sorry, i'm a total crank. didn't mean to get all on your case like that. i need a nap. ;)

  • Euphemism

    Just another way of analyzing the same thing... didn't you post that you were an INTJ, Bradley?

    iNtrospectors--especially strong N's--often feel that they are 'not normal'. That's because we're not. 80% of the population are Sensors.

    University professors, however, are by far predominantly N's... which is probably a significant reason why you said you interact well and feel a connection with them.

  • logansrun


    I hate to use a loaded term, but I think that the best word for it is 'nerd.' Being a nerd doesn't mean having poor hygeine, no fashion sense, thick glasses, and a pocket protector. It's more a way of thinking. It's not something I can necessarily define, but other nerds will know what I mean.
    ROFL....yes, I am a "nerd." Here's the thing -- from the time I was in Jr. High till my senior year of HS I was not only the nerd in the mind, but the nerd in outward appearance as well. Fortunately, I changed remarkably my last year in HS (got a new wardrobe, grew about 9 inches, yadda, yadda). Now I feel fine and am confident of how I look. But, I think the few years of my early teenagehood nerdom really warped me and has given me a complex ever since.

    And lest you try to deny the charge, I want to state, for the record, that anyone who has a Greek bust for their avatar is a nerd.

    Oh my Christ...haha! Actually, it's Roman -- Constantine. I just like the look of it

    I definitely got more socially adept with time; and I definitely feel a lot closer and more connected to people now that I'm mentally free from the Borg. But I still feel most at home, most connected, with other nerds.

    Do you know any gorgeous nerdy blondes around 25 years old that I could hook up with?

    What is your major in college? If you're planning to pursue a career in academia, engineering, or another technical field, you will probably find that you fit in just fine, and feel quite normal.
    Well, I'm "officially" undecided although I am leaning toward academia.....or medicine.
    Thank you, btw,
  • logansrun

    I thought the N in the Meyers-Briggs test stood for iNtuitive? (and whatever the hell they mean by that!)


  • DanTheMan

    Bradley, *sniff* I'M A MISFIT TOO!! I FEEL YOUR PAIN DUDE!! I LOVE YOU MAN!! lol

    But seriously, most of my weekend will be spent alone at my house without much to do. If I do get out, it will only be to go to my sister's place & hang out. I know what you mean about being in social situations and feeling out of place. I can handle a small group, but in a larger group I'm lost.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    hmmmm......Logansrun?......This isn't one of those trick questions where no matter what I answer, something morphs outta tha computer, bytes me on tha butt and slaps one of those silly white jackets on me with the sleeves that tie in the back izzit?

    LOL you peeps! Too funny!

    Abby Normal

  • Euphemism
    Oh my Christ...haha! Actually, it's Roman

    D'oh! I should have covered my bases and said 'hellenistic.'

    Do you know any gorgeous nerdy blondes around 25 years old that I could hook up with?

    Sorry, I know a gorgeous nerdy brunette, but she's taken...

    I thought the N in the Meyers-Briggs test stood for iNtuitive?

    Well, it does. Personally, however, I'm a disciple of Keirsey, who believes that the term should be changed to Introspective, because it basically has jack-squat to do with intuition. If you've never read Keirsey's descriptions of the types, they're well worth a gander; his website sucks, but it's very interesting: http://www.keirsey.com/

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    Like Nietzsche...you mean dead? ;)

    Well, sounds like you're doing great with it... sorry it didn't work out.

  • jgnat

    I found her! The girl of your dreams....


    Oops. Too young. You will have to wait a few years, but I bet she will be worth it.

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