"Jehovah" in the New Testament

by robhic 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • robhic

    I just got a return visit from a couple of JW that visited me last month. All was very nice and friendly. I have inadvertantly agreed to a study of sorts and figure it might be an interesting challenge for me to try out my newfound knowledge/information with them. Just see how well I can defend my positions and refute theirs when necessary. (I have waaay too much free time!)

    I have read where the name Jehovah doesn't appear anywhere in any of the Greek versions of the NT. This seems pretty factual but the only references I have seen telling me this are books written by ex-JWs. I don't want to use those for obvious reasons. My question is this: Can anyone cite a reference work or whatever that backs up the fact that the name does not appear in the NT?

    Point me to a website or something -- anything -- that can be used to support my position besides ex-JW books? Thanks for any and all help and info in the "project" of mine. They are coming back next week. This is something I mentioned today (and they denied) so I would like something to offer them to prove my point when they come back.


  • onacruse

    Hi robhic

    Lot's of stuff at www.tetragrammaton.org

    Free for download and not copyrighted. Very scholarly and not written by exJWs.


    btw, you are quite correct: there's not one extant Greek manuscript of the NT (out of ~7,000 full or partial copies) that contain the Tetra.

  • Euphemism

    Jason BeDuhn, Truth in Translation. This book is by a scholar who, over all, speaks positively of the New World Translation. His positive remarks about the Kingdom Interlinear were quoted in w98 2/1 32. However, he identifies the insertion of 'Jehovah' as one of the NWT's biggest flaws.

    I dunno if you would want to pay $33 for the book... but it would definitely provide the evidence you need.

  • Satanus

    http://home.europa.com/~lynnlund/itmidx2.htm has downloadable books, analysing this issue.

    Do you have the kingdom interlinear? In the introduction or forward, it has the statement that the name jehovah surprisingly does not appear in any greek manuscripts. Case closed, if the dubs accept a statement by their own society.

    Edited to add: Of course, they go on to explain how it must have been there, but that the text had been tampered with. How could their god allow all traces of his name in the nt to be completely removed, when it is supposed to be the most important???


  • Yerusalyim


    Good call.

    By the way...why did they take the Kingdom Interlinear out of print>

  • Euphemism

    I don't think they have, Yeru.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    I've never really understood how off-hand use of the name ``Jehovah" as in "Jehovah this" and ``Jehovah that" is really respectful of the Divine Adressee. at least when it's not preceded by a respectful adjective; after all, I can well imagine my father's reaction were I to address him as ``George" instead of ``dad" or ``father"

  • rocketman

    room215, I've wondered the same thing. The name Jehovah gets so overused by jws, to me it cheapens it. It's always, as you said Jehovah this and Jehovah that. If you count the number of uses in a jw publication, it's used a heck of a lot, considering that it doesn't appear in the NT 'scripts.

  • undercover
    It's always, as you said Jehovah this and Jehovah that

    Reminds of the scene in Monty Python's In Search of the Holy Grail where Arthur and his knights(pronounced ka-nig-its) have the grail revealed to them by the Lord. LOL

  • suzi_creamcheez

    Room215, Yes, it seems presumptuous to use god's first name. the JWs call each other Brother and Sister, and have titles for various positions with in the bOrg, but don't use titles for God.

    the name "Jehovah" is like a mantra for the JWs. with an almost magical quality (e.g. warding off demons).

    As a young JW i got so sick of hearing what a byoooo-tee-ful name it was. Some bros. would be really passionate when they said it: "Jee-HOOO-vah." Almost like they were moaning or taking a dump.

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