God's Billboards?

by bikerchic 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • funkyderek
    without getting too abstract here....I think that atheism is religious in its non-belief(humans need religion for some unknown reason and this just supports religious mystery and 'faith'). So when I hear or see atheists and humanists arguing with religious people about matters of faith I think what it would be like if you just turned off the sound and watched the body language---I doubt you could tell which one was which.

    An interesting observation. I agree, if you "turn off the sound" then it's impossible to tell who's right and who's wrong. It's the words that define this, not the body language. I think you're using that rather obvious reality to try to prove that the arguments are therefore equivalent. They're not. With the sound turned down, people planning a bank robbery may be indistinguishable from people planning a charity event. But once you don't remove the most important information, it becomes much easier to distinguish between the two.

    Non-belief becomes dogma, and atheists are as evangelical and charismatic within their own paradigm as any born-again xtian or islamic fundy.

    "Within their own paradigm" everybody's right. It's what happens when you compare these paradigms to reality. Some match reality better than others.

    I believe in gods/goddesses. I believe there is One Ultimate way back somewhere that we cannot touch from here and we need the other lesser ones in between in order to connect.

    You're entitled to believe that. I'm entitled to ask you to prove it before I'll consider it valid.

    But it is a Baskin-Robbins kind of theology....it's all ice cream, but comes in 31 flavors and you have no right to force feed me the flavor I don't like, or want, or happen to be allergic too. Christian fundys(all fundys for that matter) are convinced that their flavor is the only true flavor and all the other flavors are poisonous and it is their duty to keep you from them. oh well.

    Unfortunately, reality is not like flavours of ice cream. You can't just pick and choose which ones you want to believe in - well, you can but you'll be wrong. If you say pi =4 you're wrong. You're entitled to believe it but it's not true. Talk of paradigms and ice cream flavours won't change this.

    even atheists owe their existence to the Church. without the Church they would have never decided to not believe! They would be hard-pressed to try to come up with a lineage of atheism pre-Christianity since they use the supposed 'immaturity' of humanity's religious 'superstition' to support their non-belief! In other words--before Christianity the pagan people were superstitious and not as evolved as they are today---which makes it rare that an atheist would have existed back then.

    That's a pretty spurious argument. It would of course be impossible not to believe in gods if someone hadn't imagined them. It would be equally impossible not to believe in Santa Claus if he hadn't been invented. In fact, until reading this post, I'm sure nobody here didn't believe in the seven multi-coloured banana people of Karspeokila - but I'm equally sure that most do now.

    Anway, the 'throwing the baby out with the bath water' analogy is an odd thing for an atheist or non-believer or even agnostic to use since to a believer that is exactly what THEY have done!

    It was Yeru who first used the baby/bathwater analogy. He implied that because of a bad experience with those who claim to represent god, atheists etc. had unfairly rejected his god. My reasons are not so shallow. I checked the bathwater carefully. I couldn't find a baby.

    Of course you can't prove the existence of god---who said you could? who said you have to?

    If you can't, then why believe? Most religious people believe they can. They are so sure that they have undeniable evidence of the existence of their gods that they're willing to die or kill for this belief. Perhaps it is only because their evidence is so flimsy that their "faith" is so strong.

    Do you have to taste all 31 flavors before you believe Baskin-Robbins has them?

    No, because there's a difference between an ordinary claim (this ice-cream is also available in other flavours) and an extradordinary one (there exists an omnipotent being who requires that we behave in certain ways). Can you see why we might accept one claim far more easily than the other?

    why can't humans live and let live? where does this fundy-gene come from? it will be the death of us all, and I mean all--human and non.

    I'm perfectly happy to "live and let live". I don't require that other people believe the same as I do, nor do I want to stop people acting according to their beliefs, as long as those beliefs do not interfere with other people's rights. But I will debate any claims made by anybody on any subject if I don't believe those claims are consistent with reality. Those who do not want to debate can keep their beliefs to themselves.

  • Ravyn


    I don't believe all belief systems are equal. But I do believe everyone has an equal right to believe in whatever.

    I take issue with any kind of fundamentalism that gets in my face and tells me I am wrong to believe how and what I believe (atheists tell me I am wrong to believe at all!) and these billboards are in my face and offensive. and statues of a religious nature in a government buildings are also stepping on my toes.

    I am not Christian. However I do not see that christianity is any less valid a belief system as any other. The problem is not the system, but the fanatics that hold it. NonCatholic Christians can hold their breath till they turn blue, but they can't change the fact that the Catholic Church was the first christian church organized with any kind of power and all the sects since owe their existence to it. And it can be proven by history that ancient civilizations had some kind of religion--I have never even heard an atheist claim that they existed before the church. I personally do not care what you believe, as long as you leave my beliefs to me.

    As far as I am concerned the Roman Catholic religion is the closest christian system to the universal mythos and archetypes that I hold as a witch. Goddess gives birth to her own Son who is also her God, he dies as a sacrifice and is resurrected to start the whole cycle over again. Acceptable offerings include bread, salt, wine, blood. Not a whole helluva lot of difference there. But I don't 'worship' or 'sacrifice'--I see the big picture as symbolic and archetypal and necessary to human development, but still progressive. I don't see the Catholic Church as being progressive, which is where I end my relationship with it. And Protestant Christianity as a whole has lost its universal appeal and has become just a heresy of Judaism. I am not Jewish. It does not mean anything to me.

    But I still maintain atheism is a religion because an atheist is the first one in your face about 'proof' of your belief system if they find out you believe in a deity. Why should someone who is secure in their own beliefs need to constantly challenged those who believe differently? I admit I am guilty of this too. But I intend to strive to bow out of religious challenges in the future. Unless they overlap into other areas of life where they do not belong, like in govt buildings and on highway billboards. My favorite bumper sticker says:

    "Don't pray in my schools and I won't think in your church."

    keep it in its place and out of my face.


  • Ravyn


    to maintain that humans are not spiritual is as erroneous as maintaining that humans are not logical. you can't prove faith.

    You're entitled to believe that. I'm entitled to ask you to prove it before I'll consider it valid.

    That is the whole point! I am not asking for you to validate anything. I am beyond outside validation in my spiritual quest and that, in my opinion, is the entire goal of any religion! I don't care what you believe or not. How you believe is your business and your path. You can't compare paths and you don't need to. Are you happy believing or not believing in what you do right now at this moment in your life? If the answer is yes, then you are where you are supposed to be--good for you. If not, you have a built in survival instinct called hunger and you will be searching to satisfy it. I can't prove anything to anyone but myself. And I am not trying to.

    Atheism can no more disprove the existence of god than religion can prove it. And don't be too sure of what you think reality is, because that in itself is an illusion. But hey----if it works don't fix it, and if it stops working find a new one.

    What do you call it when something has a built in 'cover-your-ass' factor? Well that is pretty much the Big Three Jerusalem religions. If they think it is their spiritual obligation to force their beliefs on other people and in fact believe that their own survival depends on that--then what can you do? Then it becomes a destructive system that violates the rights of others and it should be eliminated. Does the bateria that kills people have a right to live that equals the right of the human? Depends on whoyou ask and who is bigger and stronger. Not all religion is destructive. The ones that are, need to be checked. I just don't know how to do that either.


  • czarofmischief

    I say we settle this the old-fashioned way... DIONYSIAN REVEL!


  • Ravyn

    Czar---I will gladly party with you---but those prickles on your face might, err, impede some of the revelling doncha think?


  • czarofmischief

    That's the second time somebody has wanted to see my face...

    This is turning into an Andrew lloyd Webber musical...


  • Abaddon


    I'm never wrong...well, that's not entirely true...I once thought I was wrong...but it turned out I was right...so I was wrong about being wrong.

    See? I knew you were a nice guy...

    Take a trip over to Lourdes, France. All the healings there are documented...

    'Documented' as you use it does not mean longitudinal statistical studies using a double blind test with controls. If you give me a piece of paper with 'Some bloke was healed, I saw it, honest guv', THAT is documented. Documented does not mean proved. Hell, a statistical study doesn't mean proved but gives you a very clear indiocation of whether the results are due to what you are testing for or whether they are due to chance.

    As for Fatima, first read the Los Angeles Times of June 27, 2000, the article "Catholic Church Unveils Third Secret: The Vatican's Top Theologian Gently Debunks a Nun's Account of Her 1917 Vision That Fueled Decades of Speculation" .

    If you mean the miracle where 70,000 people saw the sun zoom forwards and then backwards, think; which is more likely Yeru, that 70,000 people were the victims of mass hysteria (which is a documented phenomenum)?

    Or that the rest of the Earth's population were really, really unobservant?

    No one else saw this, therefore nothing happened other than in the minds of those who believed they saw something. And once again, conveniently there's no real proof. If it happened today, there would be one person with a DV Cam hopefully... although judging by the way people NEVER have DV Cameras with them when they see ET, you never know...


    I've been acting superior? How so? I don't think of myself that way.
    All this anger toward the Society turned toward God...shameful...regretful.

    This is what spured my comment;

    ... this is a varient on the 'baby with the bathwater' argument, which is chiefly used by people who assume that there is no possibility that they could be wrong and that anyone who doesn't agree with them does so for petty reasons, not for justifiable reasons ...

    You might not think of yourself that way Yeru, but how you think of something doesn;t determine the shape of reality.


    In fact, until reading this post, I'm sure nobody here didn't believe in the seven multi-coloured banana people of Karspeokila - but I'm equally sure that most do now.

    Unfortunately, if two people believed in them, one would probably believe in the SEVEN multi-coloured banana people of Karspeokila, and the other would believe in the banana people of Karspeokilaor that come in multiple colurs to the number of SEVEN. Faith based belief + more than two people = schism.


    Very interesting view of Catholicism and Protestantism.

    And it can be proven by history that ancient civilizations had some kind of religion.

    Yes? So? Either gods/goddesses actually exist and made sure the first humans knew this from the begining (in which case you are right), or someone made them up at some point, in which case everyone before then was an atheist, but didn't know it as what they didn't believe in (because it didn't exist) hadn't been made up yet (in which case you are wrong).

    I have never even heard an atheist claim that they existed before the church.

    Check your references then; atheism is older than neo-paganism and several other world relgions, just from stuff I know to be factual off the top of my head. You'd like Ovid; he writes some great love poems.

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