Red Alert - Propaganda is Being Used!!!!!!!!

by The Searcher 44 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sparky1

    Great catch, LevelThePlayingField! Many of the old timers here no doubt remember the cover page of the July 1, 1979 WATCHTOWER. This WATCHTOWER was the special centennial edition and it's cover stated in bold print:

    1879 1979

    Keeping Watch For 100 Years

    So which is it? "Nearly a hundred years now" or 138 years counting from the WATCHTOWERS inception in 1879?

  • greenhornet

    That WT tripe is so BS. When your gone for 20 plus years hearing this is very painful.

    Also does Watchtower use there own "brothers and sisters" to use in there photos.

    Were are these "brothers" with the AR 15s. Did I see an Eotech on one. So if there are confronted with a situation of defense they are to pray to there god? I know alot of JWs that have there CPLS and have fire power in there homes to keep there family safe. Im talking about the USA JWs.

  • freddo

    Hi Searcher,

    Here's more of the quote in context. I wonder why WT didn't want it quoted in full?

    WT says: "Therefore, it is likely to be most effective if people ... are discouraged from thinking critically.

    Fuller quote: (Bold italics mine)

    "Therefore, it is likely to be most effective if people do not have access to multiple sources of information and if they are discouraged from thinking critically. Michael Balfour has suggested that the best touchstone for distinguishing propaganda from science is whether a plurality of sources of information and interpretations is being discouraged or fostered."


    Be determined to stick to Jehovah’s organization and loyally support the leadership he provides—no matter what imperfections may surface."

    "Go Back To Sleep."

    "Watchtower Has Everything Under Control."

    Image result for broadcasting athony morris

  • StudyBuddy

    I appreciate your proper use of the word Propaganda. I ended up in a very exciting elders meeting when I submitted a letter containing numerous copies/pastes from various past WT articles on propaganda. They said it sounded too much like I was applying all those article references to our own organization!

    Good call on pointing this one out! Imagine what would be put in print in our publications about another religious organization if they said 'No matter what happens, stick by us, because we are still faithful and true!'?! Granted, I don't agree with bailing, but I think we may want to tone down our own arrogance regarding those in other faiths, oh, maybe a few hundred notches?!

  • Xanthippe

    Thanks freddo for giving the context of their quotation. I see they're still using those three little dots ... to skip over the most damning part of the sentence they've left out. Trust them? You can't trust these people, they quote half a sentence to twist someone's words for their own ends.

  • BluesBrother

    Sounds like a something Donald Trump might say ' Don't believe this criticism of us , it's all Fake News' Will fake news be the next buzz word in WT land?

    Note the way they hide behind "imperfection".

  • kpop

    Translation: "We can no longer cover up the child abuse scandal and so... you know, we're still God's only organization!"

  • undercover
    Keep in mind that Satan does not want you to think clearly or reason things out well. Why? Because propaganda “is likely to be most effective,” says one source, “if people . . . are discouraged from thinking critically.”

    bwahahaha... they mention Satan and critical thinking in the same sentence? Seriously? That's funny stuff right there...

  • ScenicViewer

    Despite being told to follow flawed and imperfect men Watchtower continues to pretend it's beliefs are based on the Bible.

    Watchtower (Study) July 2017, page 20, par 16

    16 Today, Jehovah guides us with his Word, the Bible.

    Then, notice how quickly Watchtower transitions from following the Bible into following imperfect men, as if following a flawed organization is the same thing as being guided by the Bible.

    Watchtower (Study) July 2017, page 20, par 16

    Think about how you benefit from reading the Bible, examining the publications of “the faithful and discreet slave,” watching JW Broadcasting, visiting, talking with the elders, and associating with fellow Christians. (Matt. 24:45) Have you not seen that Jehovah is swift to provide you with his guidance?

    This is a classic example of Watchtower blending concepts to make it appear that their literature, TV programs, imperfect and flawed leaders, etc, are on the same level as God's Word.

    Watchtower is effectively making itself equal to God. As most readers here can already see, the Organization and it's leaders are the golden calf that Jehovah's Witnesses really worship regardless of how flawed it all is.

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