How many do you figure are converted through the door to door ministry?

by HereIgo 29 Replies latest jw experiences

  • HereIgo

    I regular pioneered for 2 years and never have actually converted anyone through the door to door work, In fact, I only knew a few individuals that joined this way. Most were born-in or at least had some type of family influence. I had several bible studies but they all got cold feet when things got serious and potential baptism was discussed. Looking back the entire experience was just a waste of time and meaningless. A lot of empty homes, coffee breaks and people uninterested in what we had to say.

  • stuckinarut2


    It is simply an activity designed to keep witnesses busy!

    It is no different to the game parents play to keep their kids quiet and occupied during a long car trip. "Lets see who can count the most white cars!?". are kept busy in an "important job" for mom and dad...

  • stuckinarut2

    The ONLY people I know that became witnesses from the doors were lonely, dysfunctional, socially challenged members of the community who were swept up with the joy of being shown some attention by those at their door!

  • kairos

    In 25 years, i found no interest.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Two people from door to door in 9 years pioneering. Eleven total enslaved through my efforts. Damn it!

    One was Disfellowshiped and died young on a motorcycle. 100 mph plus makes a puddle.

    One DA'd, (went to college and got a clue).

    The others were all uber dubs and have faded away, dead, inactive, etc.

  • scratchme1010

    Looking back the entire experience was just a waste of time and meaningless. A lot of empty homes, coffee breaks and people uninterested in what we had to say.

    It's very interesting, that was my experience too. I started preaching by myself when I was a little child, all the way up to when I was 23. Rarely I saw a person who really wanted a revisit for the right reasons.

    Now as an adult, and also way more educated in the matter of negative influence and high demand, controlling groups, I know that research shows that most people who fall for groups like the JWs do not pay attention to their message unless it comes from a friend, a coworker or a loved one. Most people in these groups started following another person they know and/or have a degree of trust. It's no surprise that house to house preaching raises awareness at best.

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill
    A lot of empty homes, coffee breaks and people uninterested in what we had to say.

    A carbon-copy of my experience, too!

  • sir82

    Converted strictly from "door to door", and had no prior contact with JWs?

    In South America & sub-Saharan Africa, there are still lots who get converted from door to door or hut to hut or hovel to hovel.

    In the USA and western Europe, I'd say virtually no one any more, at least not in native-language congregations.

    It's pretty amazing to think about - that's millions of JWS spending hundreds of millions of hours per year, and literally (at least virtually) zero results, year after year, decade after decade.

    Such futility must eventually drag down morale, if it hasn't already.

  • truth_b_known

    My experience was few to none and those who did ended up leaving, being disfellowshipped, or both.

  • Giordano
    "In South America & sub-Saharan Africa, there are still lots who get converted from door to door or hut to hut or hovel to hovel."

    Other Christen groups are also doing well in these areas. From what I understand most converts already have a Christian background......the appeal is more about associating with a first world country like the USA and learning their ways then spiritual......... or at least that's part of the answer.

    One comment I heard that explains the appeal is that "in first world countries even the poor are fat."

    That's an impressive achievement for poor and often starving people.

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