Why do Jehovah's Witnesses do this?

by runForever 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • runForever

    Why do Jehovah's Witnesses as individual members readily think that apostates are having a sweeping mass delusion? 

    If some JW's have known you for a long time do they really think you based everything on some random delusion you randomly had instead of confirming the information?

    It's quite retarded even the bible itself is contradicting them in Jeremiah about the 70 years.

    I know some know, and some choose not to know but what about the rest?

  • Jonathan Drake
    Jonathan Drake

    Do you mean they think "apostates" all fall victim to the same delusion? Like its some hive mind of disagreement? 

    Im asking because I'm not sure I understand your post, and I have encountered people who think this - like "apostasy" is a disease and if you catch it you "think like one of them."

  • OnTheWayOut

    It is one of the hardest things to come to terms with.  My wife still trusts me, recognizes that she can get a good sounding board and solid advice out of me.  She values my opinions and judgments.  But that is everything to do with all things not JW-related.  There, I am prideful and overcome by Satan's world.

    Outside of my wife and my JW mother, I could get it.  The rest of the JW's don't value my opinions and judgments anymore.  One of the first things the dangerous mind control teaches a JW is that the whole world is lying in the power of Satan.  People leave because of temptations, sins, pride, greed, lust, weakness, etc. etc., but they always leave because of their own shortcomings and Satan, never because they discovered a real problem with the Watchtower. 

  • freemindfade
    Information control. That's all. Standard cult. Look at north korea
  • OnTheWayOut
    Jonathan Drake, while I can't answer for what the opening post means, I can comment on what you are asking.  JW's are taught that the "machinations of the devil" are so slick and so powerful that, yes- apostasy can be just like a disease you can catch from someone infected by listening to their words.
  • runForever

    Do you mean they think "apostates" all fall victim to the same delusion? Like its some hive mind of disagreement? 

    yes like all of a sudden you got some whiff and were under mind control.

  • Jonathan Drake
    Jonathan Drake
    Jonathan Drake, while I can't answer for what the opening post means, I can comment on what you are asking.  JW's are taught that the "machinations of the devil" are so slick and so powerful that, yes- apostasy can be just like a disease you can catch from someone infected by listening to their words.

    Thats what I think he meant, I've not been accused of it yet but I'm sure it's coming. I was going to say that it really makes no sense, if that's what he meant. Everyone starts to doubt for different reasons, and most experiences (not all) that I've read involve a scriptural example of something that goes against a JW doctrine. Its like they are saying this "disease" comes from the bible itself on these occasions.

  • OnTheWayOut

    You say "most experiences that {you} have read."  That is enough for JW's to say that apostasy was in the things you read and it was contagious.  If I dare to question, the first question was always, "Where did you hear that?"

    Even if no former JW's were read or spoken with, a JW can assume that some worldly wisdom from Satan got to you via the news or books or entertainment.  There is always something.

  • smiddy

    Didn`t  the watchtower say that  anyone who left the org.and criticizes it is an apostate and has a contagious disease ? and why would anyone want to associate with someone who has a contagious disease , you might catch it.


  • Jonathan Drake
    Jonathan Drake
    Even if no former JW's were read or spoken with, a JW can assume that some worldly wisdom from Satan got to you via the news or books or entertainment.  There is always something.

    This is what I'm not looking forward to, because I know you're so right but I can't help but hope I'll be able to break through if I just use scriptures. But you're right, and I know it - it's gonna happen to me eventually. 

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