Government turning on religion - or - I how I learned to stop worrying and love Drumpf

by undercover 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover

    Where, exactly, does the Bible say that government(s) will turn on religion? I mean, other than interpreting some crazy visions/dreams from Revelation as such?

    With one megalomaniac leading the GOP race for nomination to vie for President of the USA, I've noticed that paranoia has ratcheted up a notch or three. And not just among liberals and Democrats - but also among some JWs.

    I've heard more than once, something like this, 'if he wins, this may be the start of government turning on religion' or similar. I've heard all the Hitler comparisons, and yea, he's scary to a degree, but Hitler, not hardly. So if the WT god didn't come to the rescue his 'true worshipers' in WWII, why would the prospect of a TV reality star getting headlines give them cause to think that now he might act? Sure, I hate reality TV as much as the next fellow, but not enough to destroy 8 million people.

    But, OTOH, when the election is over, and someone else is in office, we can sit back and chuckle as the Armageddon is once again put back on hold, and dubs can go back to worrying about their field service hours, and where to stop for break...

  • undercover
    *8 billion people. Tried to edit, but it wouldn't take
  • neverendingjourney

    I remember threads like these back in 2008 when Obama was elected. Obama's election would somehow herald the coming of Armageddon, so the JWs were saying. The financial crisis...Armageddon. The Iraq War...Armageddon. The terrorist attacks of 9/11...Armageddon.

    One of the earliest memories I have of knowing I had woken up and would never be able to go back to the "good ol' days" of blind belief was a conversation I had with a JW at an assembly about the 2004 tsunami. He was sure the end HAD to be right around the corner and he'd be able to see his recently-deceased mother again.

    My blood started boiling at how he was trivializing the death of hundreds of thousands of people. That didn't matter. What mattered was that their deaths meant he'd be able to see his mother again soon. It wasn't about the people who died in the catastrophe. It was about him and his desire to see his mother again. A conversation like that would have previously gone unnoticed but it took every ounce of self-restraint I possessed not to dress him down publicly for his stupidity.

  • BluesBrother
    I've heard more than once, something like this, 'if he wins, this may be the start of government turning on religion' or similar

    Really?... Now I (as a non involved Brit) have nothing to add to the election debate , but D T is quoted as saying:

    "There's so many things that you can learn from it (The Bible)," the real estate mogul told CBN's David Brody. "Proverbs, the chapter 'never bend to envy.' I've had that thing all of my life where people are bending to envy."
    It was not immediately clear, which verse Trump was referencing. Multiple searches of various English versions failed to produce a verse with the phrase "never bend to envy" although Proverbs mentions the topic of envy on several occasions.
    Trump has repeatedly named the Bible as his favorite book, but had declined to share his favorite verse.
  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot
    As one can see by perusing, Fundamentalist Christians believe that Obama is a sign of the end times maybe even the antichrist. There are more of those kooks then there are JWs and they've got political clout which the JWs don't.
  • Simon
    Really?... Now I (as a non involved Brit) have nothing to add to the election debate

    You have no idea what it's like. We're safely out of the way in Canada but down in Jesus land the TV is 24x7 which politician loves Jesus the most, at least in the Republican party. In the sane party not so much.

    It's appallingly terrible.

    Trump is sucking up to the evangelicals but obviously is about as religious as I am. Of course they are dumb enough to vote for anyone who throws in a token "I love Jebus" every now and again and, most importantly, HATES MUSLIMS AND BROWN PEOPLE!!

    Oh, they love someone who will take their side in a holy war, or a racist war, or a religious racist war.

    Now most of the southern state primaries are done though and the attention turns north the religious crap will fade away a fair bit. Cruz won't progress any further just like the other evangelicals sweethearts of prior campaigns (Huckabee et al).

    The religious vote is another shrinking piece of flotsam that the GoP clings to, not realizing that once again they are on the wrong side of history. Same with abortion and socialized healthcare - only their own nuts support their extremist viewpoints and think they are vote winners for the general population that meanwhile is moving further away from them.

  • talesin
    But, OTOH, when the election is over, and someone else is in office, we can sit back and chuckle as the Armageddon is once again put back on hold

    I haven't read comments, but to the OP:

    This is true of most people in our culture. It's all a big drama, with the build-up to election. Flame wars online and dinner-table debates are the norm. The election takes place, everyone bitches, and then, complacently, they lie back.

    I'd like to see exJWS support each other in being free-thinkers, volunteering and making a difference *every* week of every year. Stop infighting about issues that involve personal choice - yes, debate and discuss - social intercourse is one of the necessary functions of being human that we, as JWS, were denied. Be civil and respectful, refuse to tolerate abusive behaviour as an onlooker, (passive acceptance of abusive behaviour = agreeing with the bully) , and celebrate freedom of choice and acceptance of 'other'.

    haha, this has been a public announcement of one old hippy - the peace/love/understanding kind, a la MLK and JL.

  • talesin

    UC, does it make sense to you? I'm just wanting to normalize the topic. Voter (and non voter) apathy is a big issue here in Canada. I know it is in the USA as well.

    In discussing it as exJWS, I think it's good to realize that yes, the WTS would DF you for voting (oh yes they would, don't even go there, pls) , and they encourage apathy in exJWS.

    It's also important to realize, and convey to folk who are new to the political process, that voter apathy is wide-spread, and hey! We just ... might .. be ,,, a little bit normal. I'm sure you catch my drift. xx to you and your awesome partner in crime. : ))

  • undercover

    To address the 'Trump is catering to evangelicals' thoughts -

    Yes, he is, and to racists, and misogynists, and the uneducated, and so and so forth. While he claims to be Christian, and caters to Bible thumpers, what has spooked some JWs I know is his comments on Muslims. If he's willing to persecute an entire Islamic group, what's to stop him from turning on other religions he doesn't like. Yes, I know, illogical, and unfounded on anything tangible. But we're dealing with people who enjoy a good persecution complex, and actually believe the world is out to get them (never realizing that most people don't give a flying fig about em). I'm curious if anyone else has witnessed (excuse that word) JW family expressing similar paranoia.

    Talesin: re voter apathy. Having been raised a JW, and never paying attention to politics or voting as a JW, even when out, I find myself detached from the whole spectacle. I wish I were a little more civic minded, but I'm just too cynical and skeptical. I find myself agreeing with George Carlin when it comes to voting. We really don't have a choice. The government was bought and paid for a long time ago, and we're just fooling ourselves if we think we have a real choice. It's just an illusion of choice. And in today's world, American politics has become a reality TV show, and a TV reality star is writing the book on how to win at it.

  • DesirousOfChange

    I remember threads like these back in 2008 when Obama was elected.

    I remember the same BS about Reagan.

    Plus each of his names had 6 letters. (666) Ronald Wilson Reagan OMG!!


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