New Study Bible Photos!

by Atlantis 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie


    "In that image that is being shown in the photo, I wonder why they have a young boy dangling a fish in front of him."

    I was told by several elders that humans would not be vegetarians, that is why that picture could appear in an article about life in the WT earthly paradise. (As they were all hunters then, they also felt there would be nothing wrong about eating animal flesh.)

    Maybe some jws don't think fish are considered "meat," or flesh.

  • blondie


    How many present-day JWs even know what a concordance is?

    I have one in my WTS library, based on the NWT. It was released at the district assembly in 1974. I don't think many knew how to use it in 1974. The WTS was trying to discourage jws from using Strong's Concordance for their research. The same reason the Aid to Bible Understand book and the Insight volumes came out, to discourage jws from using outside research sources.

    • Comprehensive Concordance of the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures

  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    Another thought - shorten the Bible by saying it is too expensive to print all of it. The main message are the words of Jesus Christ. Then say the rest is online.

    Just like shortening the magazines, you can shorten the Bible.

    Then drop the mags, drop the Bible and just transmit your stuff. But make sure people have to log on to view.

    Carry on like this and all you are left with is GB smiling next to Caleb and Sophia and you can not only identify who is watching but penalise them if they don't.

  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    Wow Blondie I didn't realise they frowned on Strong's Concordance. I have had that one for years.

    I think I may have taken my Concordance to a Tuesday group. If it wasn't that it was something related. Anyway, the Group Study Conductor was alarmed with me looking at the Bible in such depth.

    At London Bethel, when I spoke to one of the WT writers about the Greek and Hebrew words, he immediately asked if I was apostate. I was stunned. He's the one who did the big collection of Bibles at London Bethel. In fairness to him, he did apologise to me afterwards.

  • RubaDub

    I feel truly happified.

    Rub a Dub

  • blondie

    Yes, Anna Marina. Any quotes from Strong's in WTS publications are okay, because they have been pre-approved by the WTS writing staff. But general private reading of Strong's is discouraged and the WTS Concordance is best.)

    As to Greek and Hebrew words, in the past the WTS did use the original words in their publications when discussing their meaning for jws today, such as agape, psyche, etc. Except for the NWT Study Notes, now in 90% the WTS publications, the WTS says "Greek word" and then the definition but not the word itself.

    I think in today's jw world, most jws have no idea about the four Greek words for love (English having only one word).

    -----This is the most recent reference I found in 2017, then nothing until 2009 (note the 4th is eros, not found in the Bible)

    The Bible emphasizes the importance of love. Tender affection (Greek, phi·liʹa) is needed in a marriage. Romantic love (eʹros) brings delight, and love for family (stor·geʹ) is vital when children enter the picture. However, it is love based on principle (a·gaʹpe) that ensures the success of a marriage.

    (Plus, I have not found the reference, but not too long ago, jws were discouraged from doing research outside the WT study articles to share at the WT study, even in other WT publications, that all the research that was needed in the article had been provided by the WTS/GB.) If someone else on JWN has that reference, can you share it here?)

  • Atlantis

    Here is one of the older quotes on doing research.

    Watchtower 1967, June 1st, pg.338, par.12.

    "We may think of study as hard work, as involving heavy research. But in Jehovah’s organization it is not necessary to spend a lot of time and energy in research, for there are brothers in the organization who are assigned to do that very thing, to help you who do not have so much time for this, these preparing the good material in The Watchtower and other publications of the Society."

  • blondie

    Thanks, Atlantis. That is great, I do still think there is something more recent. I'll keep looking.

  • blondie

    I looked on JWN and found this

    Hinging on an earlier thread on this topic; here's a quotation from the text of the letter to all elders:

    "The Kingdom Ministry School textbook emphasizes the importance of thorough preparation on the part of the study conductor. But this does not mean that he should introduce additional material from his own personal research and thus possible overshadow what has been published in the magazine. Extensive research has already been involved in producing the study article, and the points to be emphasized are those included in the paragraphs under consideration. When outside material is introduced, it often detracts from what "the faithful and discreet slave" has prepared for the congregation. (Matt 24:45-47) The impression may be given that the additional information from the conductor's research is of equal or greater value."

  • Atlantis


    I just sent you an email with 2 BOE's instructing public speakers and elders on extensive research. The Society makes claims research has already been provided by them and their outlines. (1999 and 2007) Don't be drinking any coffee when you read them.

    If you think the BOE's are bad, you should see the Qualified to be Ministers book. Oh brother! Talk about mind control! (QM pg.16)

    Back in the 50's the WT even said it was ok to go to the public library to research extra materials. If an elder tried that today he would probably get the firing squad. Or busted down to mowing the grass!


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