What to do with old publications

by TonyMorronTheTurd 24 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • TonyMorronTheTurd

    Hi guys,

    It's been a while since I posted here, but I feel like posting again.

    It's hard sometimes to find the energy to post here after I expend all my time working a full time job and pretending I care about the WT$ at the same time.

    I've been trying to slowly wake my girlfriend up ever since I first posted here, and I must say it is a long waiting game that I am playing right now. Almost all my efforts are dismissed and I've been slowly losing hope.

    Anyways, what I meant to really post here today is about old publications.

    Honestly anything that has to do with the watchtower and jdubs, as of recently makes me feel like vomiting. I've grown to resent this organization, as many of you, and I want to start a process where I slowly put all the dub-related stuff behind.

    I feel like piling up all the WT$ material I have hoarded throughout the years in a bonfire and lighting that crap up. Honestly, I think it is a fair end for all that mind-cancer-like material that has destroyed the lives of many people around the world.

    However, since I have many publications here in different languages I must ask all you good people if disposing all that literature is worthwhile or not. It is worth noticing that I have many old publications that shed light about the JWs contradictory teachings in a whole array of languages, and probably material like this would help people waking up since it shows the Watchtower's hypocrisy.

    I want to know what are you good people's suggestions regarding this subject matter.


  • sir82

    How old is "old"?

    Stuff from the 40s & later is pretty common, might as well just pitch it.

    Stuff from the 30's & earlier might have some collector value, could be sold for a few dollars to perhaps hundreds of dollars.

    Oh, and by the way, "shedding light on contradictory teachings" will change approximately, oh, let's see, about 0% of JW true believers. Google "cognitive dissonance" if you are unfamiliar with the term.

  • TonyMorronTheTurd

    Hello sir82. Hope you are doing good.

    Most of these stuff is from 80s (that was given to me, since I'm a 90s child) up to early 2000s.

    I know what cognitive dissonance is. I just think it might some of these publications might help someone that is having doubts about the organization, but I reckon most of it can be sought out online.

    Thank you for the tips!

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    best to burn the lot. if you just throw it away--some poor sod might just pick up an item and read it--and get a mention on a big assembly programme.

  • jaydee

    Oh,...I read ' old publications ', and my little heart skipped a beat, as I have a few of my own.

    But the era of which you speak seems easily available online for anyone to check out if they wish .

  • Overrated

    You may sale it on Ebay. Priceless gems of their nonsense in print is useful evidence.

  • Finkelstein

    Burn them all except maybe the bible as it is useful as a historical reference to how ancient civilizations behaved/thought.

  • TonyMorronTheTurd

    The only reason that is preventing me from burning all these literature (and the WT$ bibles) is the fact that I own these literature from the 80s up until the early 2000s in languages such as: French, Portuguese, Romanian and Spanish.

    I fear that I might be getting rid of evidence that might not be available in other languages online, hence why I'm figuring out what to do.

    I know several people that are jdubs and don't know how to speak english, let alone read it.

    Should I send this to some activist in order for them to digitalize and publish this literature, some of which I know isn't available online (in the Watchtower library) for non-english speakers? This is what intrigues me the most.

  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    If you have the space and it doesn't bother you I'd keep the literature. Watchtower use certain propaganda tactics but they are not the only ones who use those methods. However they tend to be the most pitifully transparent in the use of those tactics as you only have to hold up what the Bible actually says to see right through them.

    If someone is willing to digitalize it, it may prove useful.

    I have used images of articles in my YouTubes to show that an article exists, remind people of what it looked like and then highlight how Watchtower is using that contrary to the spirit and semantics in the Bible.

  • carla

    Donate to a cult ministry/organization or find a church that educates about cults. Or contact some of the anti jw sites and see if they want or need them.

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