February 26, 2017 TO ALL BODIES OF ELDERS Re: Witnessing in Public Places

by wifibandit 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • BluesBrother

    I love it that if a fee is to be paid for a site in a mall, the F/S Overseer has to pay it out of his pocket !

    Previous comments about liability are so true... I must remind the family of that

  • OnTheWayOut

    Let me get some things straight.

    They are in their own personal public ministry, not one sponsored in any way by Watchtower.
    They are to know, on their own, about what kind of liability they have in doing so.
    If they block a public way to any degree (and they do), they are on their own for doing so.

    I will say, however, that any court would recognize that the cart or table is a set-up prescribed by their mother corporation and that members, whether on their own personal ministry or not, are required to get out there and do this by their mother corporation.

  • undercover
    ...if a fee is to be paid for a site in a mall, the F/S Overseer has to pay it out of his pocket

    Well, to be fair - it wouldn't do to steal from the Watchtower Pedophile Defense Fund to cover the cost of the Life Saving Ministry work, now would it?

  • _Morpheus

    As an additional aside, in my former congregation even the carts themselves are dropped off and picked up by ms or elders on behalf of those manning them.... congregation not involved my ass

  • sparrowdown

    Ive seen a few you tube videos where a cart is left to fend for itself because the publisher manning it took off when they were asked a question they didn't like and couldn't answer? Lol.

    They should have a sticker of return on them like shopping carts/trolleys.

  • pontoon
    Wat corp provides the equipment, the tracts, picks the locations, approves who can do it, gets the money, publisher assumes all responsibility. Never, never would hold up in court. All the wat lawyers must have slipped on the ice and hit their heads
  • sparrowdown

    I can see a future where the "If you could see what I see" carts are lost and alone in the big city.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    There is a good chance that soon the following announcement will come from WT headquarters:

    'The Governing Body has determined that public witnessing, in particular the use of literature display carts have served there intended purpose. Therefore, this arrangement will be discontinued immediately.' Ha! :):)

  • kpop

    I guess Russel was right. Religion is a snare and a racket! How brazen of them but I smell lawsuits coming. If someone gets injured because of the cart you know where this is going. Any sharks out there?

  • Magwitch
    The next scam is the publishers can purchase insurance from bethel.

    Spot on! I am willing to put a wager on this one ^^^^^^^^^

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