Polls Vs. Crowds

by minimus 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sigfrid Mallozzi
    Sigfrid Mallozzi

    Today, both Biden and Trump are in Florida. Two hundred one cars at Bidens rally sitting in their air-conditioned cars honking. Trumps rally 10k to 15,000 people outside in the heat and humidity. First Lady Melania spoke interrupted by applause after every sentence. (I like her accent.)

    Biden had so much energy I suspect he was made to snort cocaine before the rally.

    So far, 80 million have voted surpassing the 67 million in 2016. Jehovah's blessing is evident with the growth.

  • Simon

    Reminder: if you liken republican / conservative supporters to "cult members" or suggest that some exJWs didn't "wise up after leaving" then your post will be deleted. If you make empty claims of corruption or racism or that Trump is somehow a dictator, with nothing whatsoever to back it up beyond your fantasies, especially if you repeat the "fine people hoax" or "russia collusion", your post gets deleted.

    I can't be the only one tired of the endless TDS fanaticism. I suspect at this point it's conditioned behavior for many and they know no other way to express themselves or it's become like tourettes and they have to splurt it out every now and then to calm down.

    Just find someplace else to do it. I hear Twitter is great for that.

  • minimus

    Simon, I love your example on running a race. There are rules to a race and in the end it’s about winning the race.

    Or it’s like saying in a playoff series the team that lost got more points, as in basketball, so the team that scored the most points should win. It goes by games. At the end, the team that won the most games is the Victor!

  • Simon

    There are lots of games like tennis where you could win more points but lose the match due to how the scoring works.

    Them's the rules, you have to play by them,

    The mistake people make when they obsess about the popular vote (because the refuse to accept the result) is that it still doesn't mean that Clinton would have won - because if the rules were different, Trump would have campaign accordingly to try to win under those rules, and so it's a useless hypothetical.

  • LV101

    The rigged, mail-in ballots are a horror story. Pelosi already telling Trump to walk away like a big boy - the ole fossil has been in office for 33 yrs. and has become filthy rich off of political contracts and shenanigans - just one of many political lifers. She needs to tell Trump supporters just to walk away - he's there for them.

  • smiddy3

    Ok ,I took what Simon said on his post about the pollsters claiming 96% voted for Hillary Clinton .And she did get the popular vote didn`t she ?

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Ok ,I took what Simon said on his post about the pollsters claiming 96% voted for Hillary Clinton .And she did get the popular vote didn`t she ? - she got more votes, but not 96% of the votes.

  • Simon
    Ok ,I took what Simon said on his post about the pollsters claiming 96% voted for Hillary Clinton .And she did get the popular vote didn`t she ?

    I did NOT say that and neither did pollsters claim it.

    If you still can't follow something so simple, after multiple people have taken the time to explain it to you, maybe you should just sit this one out ...

  • Simon

    Polls tell us that democrats think they can swing Texas.

    Biden and Obama campaigning in Minnesota tell us something completely different.

    Minnesota hasn't voted republican since 1972 so for them to be campaigning there tells us that they are more concerned about limiting the size of Trump's victory to prevent a landslide and reduce their own embarrassment at yet another dud of a campaign.

  • minimus

    Dems thought Beto was going to be the next Kennedy. 60 Minutes said he was maybe going to be the next Prez. He too was beaten by Cruz in Texas but even though the polls suggested otherwise, a Republican is still there!

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