2/2022 WT: a repeated request & more doubletalk

by neat blue dog 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

    We do well to realize that two mature Christians may make different choices, both of which are acceptable. We should not impose our own standards of right and wrong on fellow believers.

    Really? Tight pants Tony goes on many rants about the choice of tight pants on the young brothers. The January 2017 Watchtower has a whole article on dress and grooming. Both choices are not acceptable in this photo. See which choice the Society finds acceptable! Two brothers dressed accordingly, talking about ''spiritual food'' or two punky, tight pants brothers looking at their i-phones. We know these two are up to no-good!

  • nowwhat?

    So when the government raids headquarters and shuts down their servers and website, how are the bunkerites going to get their spiritual direction? Carrier pigeon? 😂

  • St George of England
    St George of England


    12. Since the Governing Body is neither inspired nor infallible, what questions arise?

    12 The Governing Body is neither inspired nor infallible. Therefore, it can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction. In fact, the Watch Tower Publications Index includes the heading “Beliefs Clarified,” which lists adjustments in our Scriptural understanding since 1870. Of course, Jesus did not tell us that his faithful slave would produce perfect spiritual food.

    So why would anyone follow their instructions if they thought they were "strange, impractical, illogical"?


  • FedUpJW

    My take on the WT paragraph?

    An elder is concerned about a fellow believer’s choices in dress or grooming. The elder will ask himself, ‘Is there a Scriptural reason preventing me from saying something?’ Conscious of the need to be controlling, he might ask another elder for his backup. Together they will review their personal viewpoints on dress and grooming. Then they will arbitrarily make a list of dos and don’ts. They feel that Christians have no right to express their individual taste even within Scriptural limits. So in determining what counsel is needed, the elders will consider if the person’s choices comply with their own personal tastes in dress or grooming. Jehovah's Witnesses do well to realize that two opinionated Christians will make personal choices for them, and to avoid making the governing body sad that must be acceptable. Jehovah's Witnesses should strive to always impose their own standards of right and wrong on fellow believers.

  • FedUpJW

    Perhaps they'll have to excavate basements to WTBT$ specifications.

    Could be. And remember what Rubber Face said about painting with a 2" paint brush? They will have those poor Dubs digging out a basement bunker with teaspoons!

  • Gorb

    So happy we fade and don't have to listen to this at sunday morning.


  • asp59

    How People in congregations gonna build a bĂșnker with all this rules 😁😁😁 They have to recibe instructions on everything from color to what kind clothes they can use in bunker. Reprinting old magazines and having GB members giving talks is such a bad bad idĂ© for org. Strange they can't see there digging there own graves.

  • joe134cd

    Wt has always had a thing with dress and grooming. Yet you could be the biggest sloth at home but provided it’s well presented. Jehovah doesn’t mind

  • FFGhost

    If you want some lolz, here is the JW Talk discussion of the articles:


    At the moment, the thread is in the "publicly visible" section so you don't need a login to view it. That may change as the comments become (even more) bizarre.

    Lots of talk about disposing of dead bodies after Armageddon, anti-matter, what folks will eat after Armageddon, etc.

    Interesting to see the cognitive dissonance arising among the few who spend more than 10 seconds thinking about what a global slaughter of 7 billion people would really be like. Those who recognize the "danger" of this "independent thought" are trying to corral in the rest with "stop thinking about it, Jehovah will take care of it" comments.

    If you think you miss the "spiritual conversations" at JW "get-togethers", reading that thread should immunize you for a while.

  • carla

    I wish I wouldn't have read jw talk link from FFGhost. Can't unsee it.

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