10 Year Growth Chart

by HiddenPimo 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Demographic stagnation, or losses, in wealthy, Internet-accessible countries are being offset by increasing in poor nations, which works out to an unsustainable business model....

  • Hotpepper
    I .believe their numbers. The WTS are known lairs. Why not lie about growth. I think about 5 million jws tops.
  • Caminante

    Peak publishers is even more fictitious than stated above.

    The "Peak publishers" grand total is the sum of the each land's peak publisher count—which might be a different month in different lands .That is why the growth percentage is given of the average publisher count.

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    I'm not sure how the "deficit" numbers were figured.

    I think that the Peak Publishers number includes "Unbaptized" Publishers. Although a certain number of individuals were baptized in a given year, doesn't mean there would be an increase in the number of Peak Publishers because they were already being counted in the previous years.

    Also, each year, young ones who aren't baptized become old enough to be counted a Publishers and are included in the Peak Publishers numbers.

    Could this be where the deficit comes about?

  • Finkelstein

    In comparing the growth in participants and service participation from now to what was happening back in the late 1960's and early 70's, there was a higher growth rate back then.

    This was due no doubt to the fear imposing 1975 doctrine, which was a corrupt devious proliferating doctrine in itself, even if it did increase the literature circulation for much of the publications made by the WTS. of that era.


    Only the most ignorant will stay in the Org. You have the willfully ignorant and the truly ignorant. How many have a clue as to the actual history and teachings or the long history of scandals and legal battles? They know nothing but propaganda.

    Now we have willfully ignorant parents subjecting children to propaganda, and ignorant converts in poor nations who will pop out kids. This Org is literally becoming an Idiocracy.

    The model is barely sustainable. I would argue that being tax free is the only reason the Org has survived so far. I can’t see them lasting another 100 years. Not unless they start offering real value, even if that is a JW ran University that helps Dubs earn a decent living. Sure, teach Genesis in Science class, but then offer useful classes, or a trade school, something...

    They are killing themselves, but perhaps that’s natural selection at work...


  • Phizzy

    When you look at the number Baptized, and then the (fictional) increase, even taking their increase figure at face value, you can see how many are leaving.

    They should have added over 3 Million to their numbers, less say 1.5%, for those who die. So, in round figures, that means two Million have left. (?).

    Now Statistics is not my strong suit, I can tell you that thirteen out of every twelve people do not know what a Baker's Dozen is, but not much beyond that. But are my figures above that far out ? 2 Million gone ??

  • Phizzy

    I have just been outside for a smoke, I enjoy small cigarillos, silly to smoke at all I know, but that is when I do my best thinking, and I realize where my figure of 2 Million gone is totally wrong.

    The clue is in my post, the 1.5% who have died.

    My adjusted figure, using my back of a cigarillo packet method of calculation, means that 1.2 Million JW's have died in that decade. They have added 1.8 Million Baptized, with an actual net growth of 1 million.

    So they have grown, in real terms , taking deaths in to consideration, am I any closer ???

    I think I have confused myself even more now, how can we calculate, roughly how many are leaving ?

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    just what have you been smoking , Phiz ?

  • Phizzy

    Yea, just cigarillos, not wacky baccy, but then I don't need that to be stoopid !

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