Good news to report: Congregations merged because lack of attendance, publishers & field service

by Khaleesi 36 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Anakin

    Also in Europe, they are merging Congregations.. Example: where 2 congregations at the same Hall, and there is a lack of attendance in one of these Congregations, they are merged into one Congregation, and they use the standard procedure: you has to go to the Congregation whe assigned you.. Listen and obey strategy was used by the CO.

    the brothers and sisters, who didn't agree with this decision, was told by a talk from the CO, that not obeying this decisions from the GB, could have an impact on the way Jehovah thinks about us, in the future when Har Magheddon is coming..

    i told one publisher of that Congregation, who didn't agree, and was shocked about that talk from the CO, that this manipulative talk, that has no biblical ground of course, is used to force publishers to do what their strategy is at this moment, their projects they are working on (Warwick, and others), and their future projects on the African Continent, and other places. And every penny, they can get, in merging Congregations, and in some cases sell Kingdom-Halls, they don't need anymore is used to save money...

    Like I said to that publisher on a ironic way: They are telling publishers to listen and obey, , but the fact that they are building, and a lot of projects in the future is saying a lot of themselves, I don't think that they really believe that Har-Magheddon is at the corner anymore.

    They are more and more becoming a secularised religion, that is their ultimately goal.

  • brandnew

    It has ALOT to do with splanes explanation of the overlapping generation bullshit, that has people heading for the doors. Common sense is overriding stupidity. Keep it up gb......your doing a wonderful job.

    Mad puppy

  • alanv
    Certainly good to hear about congs merging in this way, but if we look at the worldwide report congs had a 2.25% increase compared with 1.5% publisher increase. Probably its a matter of the developed world shrinking whereas the developing lands are still expanding.
  • pontoon
    And if they rename the congregation that had to move by adding a north, south, east or west to the end of its name they'll count it as a new congregation
  • Divergent


    Certainly good to hear about congs merging in this way, but if we look at the worldwide report congs had a 2.25% increase compared with 1.5% publisher increase. Probably its a matter of the developed world shrinking whereas the developing lands are still expanding.

    It's usually artificial growth. A cong with 100 publishers can split into 2 congs of 50 publishers each, but there's no growth in numbers. It's still 100!

  • redpilltwice

    Also in Europe, they are merging Congregations.. Example: where 2 congregations at the same Hall, and there is a lack of attendance in one of these Congregations, they are merged into one Congregation

    So true anakin, I live in Holland and a few years ago, two congs merged into one in my city because of a lack of elders and ms. I was the youngest of the boe and I quit 5 months ago, The rest is getting older and weaker and don't seem to have much joy anymore. How long will this last before it truly collapses? In a bigger city nearby they also went from three congs to two. Of course they need ca$h from the KH's, but maybe one day they will invite elders from the third world to serve here , just like the RC church did with their lack of priests lol.

  • stillin
    The more congregations that merge, the more KH's that can be sold.
  • John Free
    John Free

    Same thing happened here 18 months ago, 4 congs became 3- with 1 KH being sold (all money straight to Borg HQ). Same story of pressure to conform to arrangements-loyalty to Jah is at stake blah blah blah.

    The meeting attendances were meatier for a while but already slimming down lol. 'ah well there'll be more people there so nobody will notice if I have a night off'

  • Hecce
    Everything said is factual, the Spanish growth was sustaining the increases. Their is a marked decrease in attendance and baptisms. Before the norm was 50 or more at the Circuit Convention, now maybe from 10-20. The majority of the new ones are relatives of the publishers or their children.
  • crazy_flickering_light

    In germany since 01/2007 until 12/2015:

    322 congs merged to 161 (language-congs and normal congs)

    6 new regular congs

    2 new signlanguage-congs

    121 new language-congs (!)

    Waiting for new numbers 2016, should be a very interesting.

    But main part is: they close congs and merge congs, but you don't see it in the statistic, because of new language-congs. But the language-congs build of normal publishers and build of 20 person or so. So the downfall in the numbers is higher then you think.So I think, that's there way to fix the statistic, build more and more language-congs.

    Nearby also one cong was merged lately, more to come.

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