New K.Hall Design, Mansfield

by BluesBrother 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • BluesBrother

    Not Mansfield U K , but Mansfield in U S A - it doesn't look much, does it? In fact even the uber dubs on J W Talk are not impressed (that must be a first!)

    This thread of theirs is publicly readable:

    I love the way somebody photoshopped it with a Walmart logo :)

  • nelim

    Ah isn't this the new Kingdom Hall design leaked last year?

  • careful
    Thanks for the info and for the link: indeed those in-house comments are revealing!
  • jookbeard
    thats a very big KH, sure its not an AH?, maybe a design for amalgamated congregations? looks like a good few hundred could fit in there,is there an upstairs also?
  • nowwhat?
    Well I guess this answers the question if any new kh's are being built
  • FadeToBlack
    Maybe the plan is to make it look like CVS/Walgreens/etc so it will be easier to flip later. Hey, but at least it has windows, so nobody can complain about that. All I can say is ugly. But perhaps that is appropriate and fits in with the rest of the American big box, strip mall architecture style.
  • Nameless
    I like this comment on their site, "I suspect this will make resell much easier and maybe get a higher price out of the sell". I thought the end was coming any day now; deep, deep, deep in these last days; just around the corner, on the threshold of the new system! Why resell? Blind!!!

    This comment made me laugh

    Change is always difficult to get used to.

    The elders had a special meeting when the new design was introduced and they had the brothers on the design commitee talk about it. I remember one brother saying he was VERY MUCH against the commercial design, even as late as the meeting where they had to come to a final decision. But he said that after they prayed together as a body and discussed it it became evident this was the direction Jehovahs spirit was leading them.

    I continue to think about what a humble attitude this brother displayed.

    Change can be difficult but Jehovahs spirit keeps moving his organization in the direction that will be most beneficial for all.

    What a joke !!


  • tornapart
    Seems to me like they all want to say what they REALLY think... it's horrid, it's ugly, can't believe anybody designed this, it looks like a factory, it looks like a warehouse'.... but they're all afraid to say it. Anyone who dares say it, covers it with a 'oh but I'm sure it'll look lovely when it's finished, jehovah's behind it all so let's support the organisation'. At least one had enough guts to stick the Walmart sign on... lol
  • Divergent

    "It will be easier to camouflage during the GT, just hang a phony business sign on it and no one will recognize it as a KH."

    LOL at the above comment!!!

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