UC Berkeley Reverses order cancellation of Ann Coulter speech

by blondie 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • freemindfade

    Point of the thread was not a debate on how loony Ann Coulter is, but about those who would use violence to silencer her.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    Even though I would have let that sociopathic bitch give her speech one thing needs to be emphasized. Republican/Conservatives have been hatemongering for decades. They are like bullies who keep hitting their victims until one of them gets to hit back. Then the victim is considered to be the bully.

    People like Ann Coulter and the right wing media have been demonizing people to the point where the most unstable of them grab a gun and kill people. That is how I would introduce her right before giving her hate speech.

    You reap what you sow.

  • azor

    VI How true.

  • mfrederick


    Per Snopes, that is not what she said. She may say provocative, even insulting things.

    I don't listen to "Conservative" talk radio. Never heard Coulter. But the piece posted by Outlaw is, per Snopes, not what she said.

    Even if she did say it though, should she be denied the ability to speak at a public university?

  • minimus

    I am glad that you called outlaw out on his misinformation. And I think it is ridiculous to ban people because one is conservative or one is liberal.

  • freemindfade

    OUTLAWS use if "alternative facts" means he has more in comon with Trump than he lets on lol

    Image result for fake news trump

  • snowbird

    Read carefully the final two paragraphs of that Snopes article.

    Cold-hearted describes her to a T.


  • freemindfade

    I don't think there is anyone on either of the threads started about this that have said anything good about Coulter lol. Do we want to talk about what a troll she is, or the real issue with free speech being threatened?

  • snowbird

    I think her own words prove her character, yet the First Amendment should be given full rein in her case.


  • under the radar
    under the radar

    Some of stuff attributed to Ms. Coulter make her sound crazier than a loon, and a mean one at that. But that's no reason for a college to cancel an appearance that some of its students obviously wanted.

    She has the right to be heard, and the students who want to do so have the right to hear whatever she has to say. If other students don't want to hear her speak, even if they're vehemently opposed to everything she stands for, that's no reason to forbid her appearance. They can simply not come to the speech. Or lawfully "protest" outside the venue. Whatever makes 'em feel warm and fuzzy.

    There is absolutely no excuse whatsoever for violence of any kind just because someone who you don't approve of is giving a speech somewhere. Don't wanna hear it, don't go! Whiny babies! Those precious little safe-spacer snowflakes need to go back home and live in their mama's basement.

    Asbestos shields: Up. Flame away.

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