When was your last Kingdom Hall meeting?

by RULES & REGULATIONS 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • OnTheWayOut

    I went to my nephew's Kingdom Hall wedding about 3 years ago. I went to my father-in-law's "memorial" a few years before that. But I quit going to any regular meetings at the 2007 Memorial and I went to the 2008 Memorial one year later, and that is really the end of it.

    I may attend a few more Kingdom Hall "funerals" or "memorials" to a family member, but it will depend on circumstances.

  • Curious Mind
    Curious Mind

    1998 memorial though my nephew is getting married in June so I will step foot in a hall again

  • SnakesInTheTower

    Late summer 2007. That story is posted elsewhere on this site.

    I remember staying only for the Sunday talk. I left before the Watchtower. I had my work clothes in my car. I drove down the road to a small cemetery, isolated enough for me to change clothes, reflect, and declare, "Never setting foot there or any KH."

    And I haven't and I won't. Not Memorial, conventions, funerals or weddings. I have attended two JW weddings officiated by the same JW elder at a secular site. Both times the worldly people were wondering what they were looking at. The JWs knew that "Brother Reggie" went down the rabbit hole again.

    I went to a visitation at a funeral home,, unknowingly, for a JW in a congregation I had been an elder in. My wife was going to pay her respects to a non-JW coworker's grandpa...who was someone I knew. Oh that was awkward...for the Dubs...including my old roommate. I acted as if it were old home week. LOL.

    I knew then I made the right choices. My JW mom wishes I would return. She is 77, Dub for 50 years. In good health, on ladders painting inside her house. But when her time comes...no JW funeral.

    And when she is gone, so is my connection to the Borg.

    Snakes (Rich)

  • JWPrince

    I just passed my third anniversary away after 51 years in.

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