What Does Prayer Actually Do?

by punkofnice 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Simon

    It does nothing outside of the mind of the person praying.

  • nicolaou

    It's worse than simply not working, it can actually cause harm. JW's, Christian Scientists and others would put prayer ahead of medical intervention in some cases.

    Not to mention that it perpetuates a mental dialogue with a non existent being, perhaps not so harmful for adults but poison to the innocent mind of a child.

  • TonusOH
    Anony Mous: Proper prayer is basically a form of meditation.

    That's how I see it. I don't know how beneficial 'self-talk' is, but I find it useful at times in helping me focus on goals and/or get my thoughts in order. I think it served the same purpose when I believed in god, I just assumed that it worked in a different way.

    I find that many people interpret prayer the same way they interpret scripture. Focus on the things that reinforce it, and redefine anything that might cast doubt. In other words- if you prayed for something and got it, it's proof that prayer works. If you prayed and nothing seems to be happening, it's proof that prayer works, because god is just telling you that you need to be patient. If you pray for something and get something different, it's proof that prayer works, because god knew what you needed and provided it. Even tragedies can be explained away as evidence that god listened to the prayer. No explanation seems too strange or outrageous, as long as you can maintain the belief that god is answering you.

  • Judgerussellford

    Simon: even as a believer that statement is true. As a non believer looking in it would seem like the person praying is always looking for the answer. And they can reason anything. As a believer even if you're not looking you could reason a coincidence as an answer. Could I have felt a huge dose of dopamine over a coincidence at the funeral? Absolutley. I just choose to feel otherwise because I want to believe its true. Wich strings into tons OH'S comment. If you believe hard enough because you've used prayer as a form of meditation, you'll reason its true when you find a source to an answer. But nicolaou, you make the most important point. Even if you're like me and you believe prayer works, its dangerous to put it into practice to preform medical miracles. Its irresponsible actually.

  • Simon
    Even if you're like me and you believe prayer works, its dangerous to put it into practice to preform medical miracles. Its irresponsible actually.

    You should watch the latest Ricky Gervais special on Netflix where he covers exactly this:

    "Do the thoughts and prayers if you want, but let's keep doing the Chemo, don't cancel that ... because it's exactly the same as doing just the Chemo."

    I'm pretty sure your comment is an admission that you don't really believe prayer works. But at least you are not being dangerously dishonest.

  • Judgerussellford

    I wouldn't say i admitted anything for either side.. I will say, however, that all sides in this thread are possible depending on circumstance and perception. People have witnessed and caught on camera things we can't explain. Some things we just can't understand.. thats the perception portion. Circumstance is who you are and where you are currently at in life.. I believe prayer can work. But I don't claim to be infallible either. even if i were right, that doesn't meen just because I say a prayer with any good intention it will yield results. And it doesn't meen just because good things happen that they are results of prayers. Like you pointed out Simon, its all in the head of the person praying. The mind is a powerful thing we can't even begin to fully understand and is capable of creating or negating things others experiance that we can't. It makes us believe, forget, remember, identify &c. This is also circumstance because we developed these traits based on our youthful environment, vs the ones we develop as free thinking adults. Its all fascinating. Humans and beliefs. It's all so interesting. Makes me think of Bill hicks sketch on beliefs

  • GLTirebiter

    Demanding that God do what you want is not prayer, it is presumption. Prayer is aligning ourselves to His will, not vice versa: "Thy will be done, on earth..."

  • nicolaou
    "Prayer is aligning ourselves to His will,"

    On so many occasions 'His will' (according to 'His Word') was for innocent children to die.

    Why would anyone pray to align themselves with this malevolent being?

  • Phizzy

    The most disgusting of Prayers are the ones for sufferers of Disasters and Mass Shootings etc. Apart form not actually doing anything, those doing the praying allow themselves to do NOTHING FURTHER !

    They are like the Pharisee standing in the Street for all to see his pious prayer to god, but not caring for his Parents. Hypocritical, and an insult to those who need real help.

  • BoogerMan

    Very open, diverse, and interesting thoughts on a profound and personal question.

    I've never expressed my (bound to be unpopular) thoughts on the subject to anyone before, but here goes:

    Prayer demonstrates hope & faith in God Almighty's promises in the scriptures. Those promises assure us that dead loved ones will be resurrected, and all the evils & suffering people have endured will be wiped out & forgotten - and replaced with an eternal life on earth which will be beyond comparison with what we experience now. (Psalm 37:9,10,29: Matthew 5:5; Rev. 21:3,4) Christ Jesus told Christians to pray for that time to come. (Matt. 6:10) The apostle Paul said the scriptures gave us instruction, endurance, hope & comfort. (Rom. 15:4)

    Having a faith in these promises - along with agreement with Peter's statement that God is not partial - I do not believe that God answers anyone's prayers for personal needs, other than to endure trials of our faith.

    Prayers regarding health, financial, or material needs etc. are not answered for anyone now, otherwise, it's like saying "God favored me and answered my prayers, but you...tough!"

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