How old is old?

by joey jojo 50 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Xanthippe

    I get what you're saying Joey, this pimi JW doesn't want to acknowledge he's been waiting for the paradise his whole life and now he's well into middle age. If he's says he doesn't feel old then Armageddon is not delayed, the GB aren't lying.

    It's not surprising that he's talking about how he feels because the whole religion is about appealing to people's emotions but as you say ten years down the line if health problems kick in it might be a different story.

  • smiddy3

    I read somewhere on this forum that life expectancy in Australia is 82.5 years , so if I don`t live for another 2.5 years or more hopefully ,I will be very disappointed .

  • jp1692

    I was baptized the month after the publication date of this Watchtower. I left the religion 10 years ago.

    Armageddon still isn't here. I'm beginning to think it's never coming!

    Let's review: It's a cult!

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    @Diogenesister, perhaps you are thinking of "cross species transmission" or zoonosis?

    Indeed the beginnings of settled farming in the Neolithic would have thrown up a lot of hygiene problems and it is significant that the new farmers continued to live in somewhat insubstantial huts rather than stone dwellings. By contrast they did make tombs for their dead in permanent buildings that remain to this day. In fact I was inside the West Kennet Longbarrow in North Wiltshire a couple of days back and it was built over 5600 years ago. We have old buildings in Britain!

    Returning to the issue of what is old, my reckoning is that most humans in the western world can now expect to enjoy twice the adult life that our great grand parents were born to, i.e. it was 20 to 50 years old at the turn of the 20th century and now is 20 to 80. That is no small improvement-- and so much for the world going down the tubes.

  • DesirousOfChange

    I think it has a lot to do with how you feel and how you act. My mother is close to 90 and says she doesn’t feel old and she certainly does act/live as tho she’s an old lady. Still lives alone. Still drives.

    On the other hand I feel so old I refuse to even buy green bananas.

  • Holden Caufield
    Holden Caufield

    Im about to be 29 and I feel old at times but I make the most of it.

  • waton
    it is significant that the new farmers continued to live in somewhat insubstantial huts rather than stone dwellings

    Hb: but later build silos to store their crops and defend them. interestingly

    In german the word for "farmer" is "Bauer" = ' builder' rather than cultivator or grower.

    That is when settled, people got to get old. Some nomadic tribes often abandoned their old and dying while on the move.

  • Simon

    Old is when the pretty waitress that you thought was flirting with you finishes with the words "oh, you're just like my dad!" ...

    ... then seeing the smirk on your wife's face as she slowly mouths the words.

  • waton
    oh, you're just like my dad!"

    S: or when I had my ego deflated, when trying to remarry, a child pointed to me and said "LOLO " = 'grandfather' and I wanted to start a family again (and did).

  • smiddy3

    I`m in my 81st year now and I try to go to the gym twice a week and have been doing that for 18mths -2 years now ? Admittedly its run by the local community health clinic ,and its only 4 doors away from my place.

    However it certainly is well equipped with all you would expect in a commercial gym.

    It only costs a small fee each visit ,less than a cost of 2 schooners which I consume everyday anyhow and chew the fat with like minded people.

    The Australian Govt. has many programs in place to help ageing people to stay in their own homes as long as possible ,and I applaud them for doing that.

    My mother in-law lived in a fully self contained pre-fab unit in our backyard erected by human resources at no cost to us and she paid a pittance for living there until she could do so no longer .

    Your brain and your mind don`t think your old ,its what happens to your body as it degenerates is what is telling you your getting old.

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