Some Jw's are the worst employees

by Foolednomore 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    As the saying goes, you need to give them an opportunity to seek their bliss - ELSEWHERE!

  • JeffT

    JW's may also be not good tenants

    About the time I was starting to become really disillusioned with JW's my wife and I were managing an apartment building in a Seattle suburb. We were employees of the company that had the contract to manage the building.

    So I was contacted by an elder about a couple moving up from Portland, Oregon so she could get a particular medical treatment (this by itself is another post some time). I said yes I had apartments available have them contact me and we'll get the paperwork together, I'll need a deposit etc. I then hear nothing until they drive a U-Haul into my parking lot.

    I managed to get the paperwork done and collect a deposit, but not without an argument. They, and the elder that initially contacted me, all seriously thought I could just waive all that since we were all JW's, and I managed the building. I pointed out that they were asking me to steal from my employer's client. I'm not sure they ever did get their heads around that, even after I explained it very carefully.

    Over the next few months, we had no end of trouble with collecting rent and dealing with various rules violations (such things as ignoring reserved parking and the like). Eventually some poor sucker in another congregation arranged for them to live somewhere else.

  • waton
    jws may also not be good tenants J:

    beware, be wary particularly of renting to ms' or elders' brood.

    they want to get out from papa's supervision, do harm to all, but not to the pa's reputation. having him lose "privilege to serve" and think they are immune,-- what with laws favouring the majority renters, and reluctance from the elder body to have their good name besmirched by exposing wayward offspring,

    families showing their true colours. happened to me more than twice.

    Jesus said forgive them 7x70 times. yeah, what he meant: dont be stupid, stop it at the outset, or you will regret it for a long time. repeat rent offenders repent rarely. .

  • smiddy3


    I loved Xmas and Easter as I put my hand up every time because nobody else ever wanted to work those holidays .

    And it just became accepted that I would be available as it turned out for 28 years .

  • HappyDad

    In the 1970's and 80's, I would volunteer to work during the "worldly" holidays because it was time and a half and double time.

  • punkofnice

    I don't suppose we can broad-brush all Jobots the same.

    I have been aware of some shady Jobot employers. No names, no pack drill.

    I did know of one who was a very good employer. Mind you, he pissed off with some bird (Brit slang for female), and got DF'd.

  • StephaneLaliberte
    10 hour a day job with some Saturday.

    Your business model is wrong. Sure over time may be needed from time to time, but if this is the norm? You're doing something wrong. Happy people produce more in less hours than those pulling long hours for a boss. Did you make him a partner or something? If its just an employee... you're fostering a bad environment and your business will suffer for it.

  • StephaneLaliberte
    Some are thieves and some aren't. Some cheat on their mates and some don't. I guess they are just people.

    Yep! Here is an example comparing my mom with an elder in my congregation. Both had cleaning business. The elder would pay minimal wage and give long working hours to his employees, many of whom were JWs.

    My mom on the other hand paid twice as much for the same kind of work and made sure employees weren't overbooked.

    Both were paid about the same by their clients.

    My mom's reasoning was that while money is important, it is even more important to live your life knowing you did right to people. She knew, by looking at the profit margin, that people working for her deserved more.

    Both JWs, one took advantage of others, the other treated them right.

  • Simon
    Your business model is wrong.

    :point_up: This

    It's not that your business model is just wrong, you're a garbage employer. If 10 hour days are "the norm" then you can't plan for shit.

    Hire more people to work realistic hours.

    Are you a JW? If so, you're using your connection to the religion to hire people on the cheap and take advantage of the fact that some people think it's noble or whatever to "support their brothers".

    The statistical chance that an elder and 2 MS's happened to be the best people to hire are low to zero.

  • Foolednomore

    The two MS's in marketing are great guys, I don't throw them under the bus. It's this one elder who thinks because of his rank as an elder he can get paid more and work less. This is not the case. He even thinks that since I own the place I live the easy life. Little does he know I go to bed at 2 am alot later then he does. Running a company is 24/7.

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