Publisher ID - I Saw It In Person & It Was Terrifying!

by thedepressedsoul 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • fulano

    I really would like to know anyone who has access to the files.

  • no-zombie

    In an effort to centralize record keeping and tracking publishers as they move around, this databace could actually become a new legal problem just waiting to appear for the Society. Imagine for a moment, a sister divorces her abusive husband, takes the kids and moves congregation. In the past she could keep a low profile but now if the abusive spouse has a sympathetic elder 'friend', her new location is only a few click away.

    Very ugly child custody battles are fought with information like this. And while congregational letters will no doubt be sent stressing confidentiality, every Elder here knows that confidentiality it just doesn't exist in practice. As with all human organizations ... it not what you know but who you know.

    no zombie

  • Spiral

    This is interesting, because (for a while, quite a few years ago) they were all worried about elders keeping phone lists of publishers and giving them out. "What if there was persecution? Why the police could get that list, and everyone would be in jail!" Everyone in our congregation had to throw our phone lists out.

    And yet now they have it all where someone could get all the info all in one place.

    It does make you wonder if they know Armageddon isn't coming, but it's easier to keep the publishers believing it is.

    And I bet it wouldn't be that hard to hack. (Assuming someone is interested.)

    Could you make any additions or edits to the information? Can the elders?

  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    Sounds like 1984!!! Still Totally ADD

  • Diogenesister

    Does it carry deceased publishers?

    If so, I'd love to know if Ted Jaracz is on there.

    Perhaps deceased publishers, or all publishers ever baptised, is the next level up. Although someone would have to scan the paper documents into the system.

    don't see how something like this is even legal without providing consent.

    I thought all publishers HAD to give consent. Didn't they all sign off on this in the UK recently?? Thought I read something about it.*

    *Edit: yes they did sign a disclaimer.

    Anyone who refused was told they wouldn't be able to apply for "privileges" or any other applications, though. Which basically rules out anyone who wants to auxiliary pioneer, "need greater" or help on a build etc

  • Listener

    Just imagine, they'll finally know the names of all the anointed.

  • smiddy3

    John Cedars has a u-tube video on this very subject also for any that are interested .Not to take away from your OP tds ,however it may elaborate a bit more on the subject .

  • stillin

    The Nazis were great record-keepers, too. I wish I could erase my past.

  • FatFreek 2005
    FatFreek 2005

    A revengeful elder gets hold of the passcode.

    No longer complicated for him to keep track of someone like myself, gone since 1977, but am the other grandfather who has never even met the grandchildren. Perfect scenario for the revengeful one.

    Or the less than honest owner of a janitor company who also happens be a prominent elder. He fires a recently DFd employee (in order to keep his staff clean of apostasy), then latches onto the ex-employees WT record and hacks some changes -- introduces some phoney pedophile charges and our friend, the exJW, is now smeared forever.

  • FatFreek 2005
    FatFreek 2005

    I found that Cedars video (very good one, by the way) and made 5 screen captures that are relevant to WT position. I tried to paste all 5 to one "Have your say ..." but it wouldn't work (no error message, it just didn't happen.

    So I will start here and paste and post one at a time. Sorry for the clutter.

    Capture 1

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