Aus Bethel reducing numbers dramatically.

by joey jojo 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Pookigirle
    Wow.....the trickle down effects of heart flutters.
  • jwfacts

    eyeuse2badub Aus bethel is in the middle of nowhere. I doubt any hotel would want it. Maybe dorms for a university. The land is in an area that there are some nice houses, so they may subdivide and sell most of it off.

    I always thought Bethel was an inefficient waste. Who needs 400 staff to run a couple of printing presses and a service desk. 75 is what it always should have been.

  • stuckinarut2

    Jwfacts: I always thought Bethel was an inefficient waste. Who needs 400 staff to run a couple of printing presses and a service desk. 75 is what it always should have been.

    Agreed! Most bethelites just worked to support other support staff! The numbers were never financially sustainable!

  • wallsofjericho

    Canada sent 130 home this week

    impression i got is there is more to go yet

  • bohm
    wallofjericho: Canada was about 600 or so to begin with?
  • wallsofjericho

    Not sure

    we have a day tripper bethelite in our hall

    ill update more as I find out

  • Richard_I
    when i was there a few years back the most canada bethel could hold was around 450, and that includes some rooms having 3 brothers assigned to it. seems like they want the number under 300 if they're letting go that many, there'll be lots of rooms empty though so i don't know what will happen with them. i don't even know if the schools are held there anymore, ministerial training school used to be held there with the notorious wayne johnson being one of the instructors but i thought i heard a few years back they do the schools in montreal now.
  • steve2
    Hey Simon, the last one out won't need to turn the light out. It well and truly went out years ago.
  • stuckinarut2
    Hey Simon, the last one out won't need to turn the light out. It well and truly went out years ago Which one? The NEW light, or the OLD light?
  • Listener
    I was told that printing at the Australian Bethel was being significantly reduced. Apparently they will no longer be witnessing with books, just pamphlets. They won't be printing books there any longer. Unfortunately my source doesn't always get details right.

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