Another stay in talk

by road to nowhere 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    We got a local talk. Keep away from outside influences, and marginal witnesses(me?). Keep up prayer, study, all that. Dont worry about a lack of suitable marriage partners

    They missed: changing doctrine no one can explain, tedious simple meetings, small service groups ( stagnant), simple presentations that are not realistic, limited territory if you do go out, old age and dashed expectations, " "special" people like pioneers . Dimwits appointed while bright ones are passed over ( one is a special ed quality guy), poverty. Probably more if I knew.

    We know you cannot talk about these things ( lack of faith). And things are NOT worse than ever in the world.

    The beatings will continue until morale improves. This was not as severe as some talks though, give credit where due.

  • truth_b_known

    I imagine Moses walking onto the stage and throwing the tablets containing the Ten Commandments down and then walking away. Jesus dined with prostitutes and tax collectors. Apparently Witnesses need to steer clear of "marginal" Witnesses. Talk about Orwellian. Watchtower has everyone suspecting everyone else as a double agent out to assassinate them.

  • LongHairGal


    I have been out for ages and cannot imagine how dumbed down and pathetic the talks have gotten. I like how they are trying to instill yet more paranoia by telling people to stay away from ‘marginal’ JWs - as if the idiot Witnesses are not judgmental enough.

    There is no love there and there never was. It’s just a fear-based, hateful religion.

    From what you’ve said, it does sound like the JWs are truly afraid of any more people leaving.

  • Sigfrid Mallozzi
    Sigfrid Mallozzi

    Longhairgirl, says, "There is no love there and there never was. It’s just a fear-based, hateful religion."

    Fifty Shades of Hate.

  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    What is their definition of a marginal witness? Is one who is to old they can't do much? Is it one who has physical disabilities where it's hard to even get out of bed? Is it a family who work long hours to support their family that keeps them from meetings? Or a middle age couple who are taking care of their aged parents? And on and on.

    Is it just reading the wt. publication, going to meetings, answering at meetings and standing at a cart in the middle of town that makes you a good witness. It's been this way since I was a kid and it will not change! What's new is they are now putting it out in print in words that most can understand. Very black and white for sure. Still Totally ADD

  • punkofnice

    Longy - There is no love there and there never was. It’s just a fear-based, hateful religion.


  • LV101

    "Longy" - lololol - love your abbreviated names.

    "Fifty Shades of Hate" perfect, Siggy. Minimalism when it's about 50K shades but fifty has better ring to it.

  • RubaDub

    I imagine Moses walking onto the stage and throwing the tablets containing the Ten Commandments down and then walking away.

    truth_b_known ...

    I saw a documentary several years ago in which there is evidence that Moses actually had 15 commandments, apparently 5 Commandments on each tablet.

    But when he was talking to the Israelites, he dropped one of the tablets. It shattered. Then instead of 15, he said there were 10 Commandments.

    It was an interesting and informative documentary. It might have been Mel Brooks or another theologian that presented the idea.

    I found a clip of this:

    Rub a Dub

  • truth_b_known


    That movie is nuts. N-V-T-S. Nuts!

  • LV101

    Is the "Jokehova" cult (wizard/thx and I probably don't have it right!) cult runnin' scared. I'm sure it's just normal rhetoric, unfortunately.

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